Author: Christina

Greece: Archipelago of Dreams

The island of Santorini”In tempi come questi, la fuga è l’unico mezzo che rimane per mantenersi vìvi e continuare a sognare.In times like these, escape is the only way to stay alive and continue dreaming.”The Italian film Mediterr…

Astrology of Now: Get Up, Stand Up

 “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote that about 250 years ago. Ask yourself: how am I free? how am I a slave?Uranus, the planet of freedom, is in Aries, the sign of the individual.Pluto, the planet of en…

Happy birthday, Aung San Suu Kyi

Nobel prize laureate and heroine of the Burmese opposition Aung San Suu Kyi celebrated her birthday this weekend. She was born on June 19, 1945.I wrote this piece about Aung San Suu Kyi back in November.And this piece about the ugly Burmese regime’s us…

Take a Pilgrimage to the Delphic Oracle

The priestess of Apollo – the oracle at Delphi – imagined by the Victorian painter JW Waterhouse.Imagine that you are a rich resident of Alexandria in, say the second century AD. Your culture is Greek with a dash of Egyptian; your rulers live in Rome. …

Astrology Works

You may not have noticed it, but I’ve been having a bit of argy-bargy in the comments section of a previous post. As a rule comments are interesting, supportive, informative but never attacking, so what’s going on with those planets and me?Mars, the pl…

Damien Hirst and Charles Saatchi: Market-makers

The establishment’s darling Damien HirstThe king of contemporary art in Britain is Damien Hirst, who morphed from enfant terrible to the richest artist who has ever lived in a matter of a decade or so.Despite his repeated efforts to shock the bourgeois…

Gemini Self-Portraits: If Pictures Spoke…

Yes – three of the artists do look as if they are just about to speak to us down the centuries. That is what you’d expect from a Gemini Sun. But I’m not sure any of them are going to say anything too complimentary. More along the lines of – well – I’ll…

Syria: The Arab Spring Boils Over Into Summer

This morning tanks rolled into a small village in northern Syria and started shooting at villagers randomly. How can a government turn its guns on its own people? Modern Syria is an invention of 20th century mapmakers and politicians. The politica…

Monthly Horoscopes: June 2011

This month I want to focus on the eclipses, now and at the beginning of July, because they will activate certain parts of everyone’s chart. Quite often eclipses manifest as events over which we have little control, but if you’re prepared, you may b…