Author: Christina

Dr Seuss vs Dr Freud

Dr Seuss (2 March 1904). You’ll see how he fits in at the end.My friend P the psychotherapist, came around for dinner the other night.I know she’s rather dubious about my chosen career but she’s also curious. She asked me how often I like to see a clie…

What’s So Mercury About Freddie?

One face of the god Mercury.Freddie Mercury, the voice of Queen, would have been 65 today. I’ve occasionally wondered how he chose the name Mercury and what the astrological connection would be – because of course there is one. So to celebrate h…

It Was 20 Years Ago Today: The Hogwarts Express

Aww – weren’t they sweet.At exactly 11 o’clock on the 1 September, 1991, the Hogwarts Express left King’s Cross Station with Harry Potter on board for the first time.That was the day when Harry met Ron, and one of the most enduring friendships in liter…

Neptune in the Kitchen

A friend recently described my house as “tousled”.She really was being too kind.I have Neptune (floaty chaos) on the IC (home angle of the chart). Housework shmousework: I’d rather be dreaming, and He Who Must Be Obeyed would rather be cooking (Moon in…

Leo Self-Portraits

Andy Warhol – What an incredible sense of colour. This picture is reproduced under the principle of fair use.
Last month, I found a huge number of artists born under a Cancer Sun. It seems that Leos are less prone to pick up a paintbrush. I think a l…

Are You a Pirate or an Able Seamen?

“Why join the navy when you can be a pirate?”  Steve JobsEspecially if Johnny Depp is your co-pilot.Let’s say pirates are unconventional, rule-breaking mavericks. (Not cut-throat criminals in need of a wash.)We’re talking metaphorically here.In co…

When Saturn Goes Off the Rails

Saturn devouring his son by Rubens
In the third instalment of her thought-provoking series on Saturn, OA guest Isy explains what happened next and what that means to you.If you need to catch up, click  the links below to read the two previous in…

Steve Jobs in His Own Words

Steve Jobs has a vision of beauty.
Steve Jobs’ has a visionary Pisces Sun in the workaholic 6th house.His chart is dominated by a dynamic Grand Cross that links Venus (beauty) with innovation (Uranus-Jupiter), vision (Neptune) and action (Mars).&nbsp…

Ceres, Food and Revolutions

Shopping for bread in the middle of a riot can be hectic. Tunisia.
Have you looked closely at your grocery bill recently? It’s gone through the roof in the last 12 months right. I’m sure inflation for food is way ahead of the official figure.So I was…