Author: Christina

Astrology of Now: People Power vs Corruption

Darth Vader – with his helmet and his laser he is an avatar of PlutoIf you have paid a bribe anywhere in India, you can tell the world how much you paid, to whom and why. And you can do this anonymously. Write your report on this website, I P…

How Much Virgo Does A Writer Need?

There is something very cool about Agatha Christie even as a child. Could it be Virgo Sun, Virgo Rsing and Saturn in VirgoMany years ago, I moved from  working in (weekly) magazine publishing to editing books. It was truly a move from Gemini-land …

Europe: Oh Rose Thou Art Sick

Not very long ago, when my parents were kids, this continent ripped itself apart in a cataclysm of self-destruction. Millions died. Cities were destroyed. World War Two was the culmination of a century and a half of fighting. By the end of it the …

Euro Trashed

Jesus, by all accounts, was a mild mannered fellow. But one thing really got him riled – you guessed it – those money-changers in the temple. As it was then, so it is now. Who will cast out the “markets” though, as they trash the dream of Euro…

Pallas Athena: Woven Music

This is similar to the one I looked at but a photograph doesn’t tell you an eighth of it.I had a strangely lovely experience yesterday.I went to pick up a carpet that had been cleaned and got talking to the owners of the shop. Now I know very little ab…

9/11 Ten Years On

Here’s an old astrological truism: “the worst people have the best charts”. Look at the chart for the moment the first plane flew into the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. It’s full of lovely, flowing harmonious aspects.Some terrible events also have…

Wise Counsellors for Cancer, Leo and Virgo

You may have read some of my previous posts on the “tutelary deities” used by Roman astrologers. These came as a surprise to me when I read about them last year since I’d not come across them in any astrology texts or lectures that I’d attended previ…

Happy Birthday, Mother Goddess

Today is officially the Virgin Mary’s birthday, appropriately in Virgo’s month. The planet Mercury is the official ruler of Virgo, of course, but according to the Roman astrologer Manilius, the deity (as opposed to the planet) that rules the sign …

Astrology of Now: History Turns a Corner

Hey, slow downThis is a re-enactment of a Roman chariot race in modern Jordan.OK – so here we are, turning a corner in history.We’re driving around a long curve though, and we still can’t see where we’re going.I can tell you with absolute certainty tha…