Author: Christina

Mahatma Gandhi

Born on October 2, Mahatma Gandhi epitomised that wonderful Libran quality – grace. He also had Scorpio rising with Mercury, Venus and Mars in the first house: tenacity, bravery and the ability to find the right words to expose flimflam and woolly th…

October Horoscopes

It’s autumn, it’s bittersweet. It’s your horoscope. To read it click here.And to celebrate so much planetary energy in the sign of partnership, here’s that great Libra, John Lennon (Oct 9), singing about love.

The Goddess Lives

Happy Durga Puja!In some parts of the world, the goddess has never been denied. She’s never had to hide her identity, change her gender – and she’s never lost her power.In India, she’s alive and well and riding a lion. This week, Hindus will be …

The Goddess of Love and the Golden Ratio

Venus Rising (The Star) 1890 by Jean-Leon GeromeI’m thrilled to introduce a guest post from Venus expert Laura Perkins – especially since Venus conjuncts Saturn in her own sign of Libra today.What do you think of when you see a five-pointed star?Holl…

Hello Mr Mercury

Planets, as you know, have both positive and negative characteristics. The important thing to remember is that they do not necessarily reflect our own moral values.Yesterday this chap Alessio Rastani gave an interview that rather shocked some people.&n…

Astrology of Now: All Shook Up

Wasn’t he lovely.The zangly-jangly configuration of planets that’s been causing us all so much surprise, change and more change this year is zapping the Sun right now and the New Moon at the end of the week. So be prepared for some, well, novelty.What’…

Mercury and Uranus Share a Joke

My partner makes me laugh – a lot. He has Mercury, the trickster, and Uranus, an even zanier fellow, conjunct on his Ascendant. Today he sent me two emails.The first contained a link to the Tate gallery in London. To get it click here.The s…

Virgo Self-Portraits: Perfect Wits

David (30 August 1738)It will come as no surprise to see that the work of artists born under Virgo is consistently detailed, crafted, technically excellent and polished to a wonderful degree. Nor will it surprise you that all these painters could draw …

Could Christine Lagarde Save the World?

Christin LagardePallas AthenaYou know, Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF, almost looks as if she’s enjoying herself. Perhaps she is – because clearly her time has arrived. This point is what her life has been about.For her everything is focusing…

9 Things to do with Mars in Leo

James Bond (Daniel Craig)Mars, the god of war has emerged, dripping wet and sulky from the sign of his fall, Cancer. He’s ready to light a bonfire and roast some chillies on the hot beach that is Leo.Mars, of course, rules Aries, the number one fire si…