Author: alcuin9

Ceres: The Dark Harvest (Part 1: Introduction)

“But what makes it hard for me is that I don’t know how I could possibly enter that eternal alliance with Mother Earth. I don’t kiss Mother Earth, I don’t plow her soil… Should I, then, become a peasant, a shepherd, or what? I go on and on, and I don’t know where I’ll find […]

First Steps: Phasal Relationships

First Steps is a new series where I will be covering and re-discovering basic techniques and formative principles. It’s not quite Astrology 101, but will cover the foundations of chart synthesis. If any of you have questions about astrology fundamentals, please email me ( or go over to the Facebook page for The Inner Wheel […]

Synastry Studies: Chiron, an Overview

This is part one of an occasional series on Chiron in Synastry. I’ve already addressed Chiron/Venus here, and will be going through inter-aspects of Chiron with all of the relationship planets, the lights, and some interesting sensitive points. This is a little overview of Chiron’s function in a chart in terms of partnership. I’ve had […]

New Posts Soon

I have to apologize for not posting more often. My father’s death has caused a lot of paperwork and reshuffling of things, and that, in addition to keeping up with the commitments I’ve made has got me a bit behind with posting. In the future there will be a continuing series on Chiron in synastry, […]

Ongoing Astrology Lessons

I’ve had quite a few inquiries recently from people who want to study astrology, mainly from people who are not quite beginners but don’t know where to go from here. The Internet is a wonderful tool for astrological information, but the real art of astrology is in consolidating the information and learning how to give […]

The Inner Wheel Now On Facebook!

Hi Folks, I’ve taken the plunge and, as many of you have requested, have put a page for The Inner Wheel on Facebook. You’ll have to bear with me as I learn the ropes, but I’m hoping that it will provide a place for us to have some interesting discussions and interactions. Here is the […]

Ring Around the Relationship Rosy

I’ve been thinking a lot about the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction again, as we’re about to have another one, this time retrograde, on September 19th. Again, it falls in my seventh house. And again it amazes me how accurate astrology is in its execution of the archetypes. People get excited about the seventh house because they think […]