Author: Michelle Piller

Starstruck Astrology 2011-03-06 18:43:00

We stand on the verge of a new era! Uranus is preparing for his grand entrance into Aries, come March 11. In this podcast Jeffrey Kishner (of Sasstrology) and I discuss what this means to us individually and collectively. It’s time to step up and …

Make a Wish at the Pisces New Moon

Welcome to a new week! Life continues to press us into relinquishing parts of our lives that realistically won’t bear fruit, so that we can make space to plant new seeds. You’ll find this to be a poignant theme as we approach a New Moon in Pisces on Fr…

Week of February 21-27

This week I have teamed up with Jeffery Kishner at Sasstrology (where I write a weekly love horoscope) for our first weekly podcast. Listen here for an update on the cosmic energy that presents itself this week. And may it…

Chiron in Pisces and the Wounded Christ

A new era is upon us, now that Chiron has entered the sign of Pisces. Chiron is an interesting and widely-debated celestial object. It was only discovered in 1977, and so has had little time (compared to the classical planets we see with the naked eye)…