A fresh start in love is possible this week, but so is a sudden split.
Author: Michelle Piller
Starstruck Astrology Has Moved!
Dear Readers,I am delighted to have a new location on the web for Starstruck Astrology. Please join me at my new site by clicking here, and bookmark it so that you may more easily return to it each week. There’s a new post up, along with…
Love Horoscope for the Week of April 11
You may need to put any big declarations of everlasting love on the backburner this week, while the Cosmos is in its own state of flux.
New Moon in Aries and Neptune in Pisces
A print of the copperplate engraving for Johann Bayer’s UranometriaA new leaf is turned, or perhaps a new chapter is being written in your personal saga. You can thank the fresh and vital energy of the New Moon in Aries. Aries is all about ne…
Love Horoscope for the Week of April 4
If you believe in miracles and fresh beginnings, what a week the Cosmos has in store!
Three Eyes Open with Mercury retrograde
Auge im Himmel by C. LöserAnother week on planet Earth begins. Be mindful that Mercury, planetary ambassador of communications, will retrograde this week. Proceed with all three eyes open. Fortunately, as Venus makes her move into intuitive…
Love Horoscope for the Week of March 28
As sure as the Sun rises each morn, a fresh Mercury retrograde period will eventually come ’round again. And ladies and gentlemen, here it is.
Of Equinox and Shaky Beginnings, Courtesy of Sun conjunct Uranus
Hello Astrology lovers. A new season is upon is – Spring or Autumn – depending on whether you live north or south of the equator. Equinox marks that cosmic moment when the Sun shines equally on us all. Ironically enough there’s little else in the …
Love Horoscope for the Week of March 21
It’s time to dance with your inner wild child, peeps. Spring has sprung here in the Northern Hemisphere, and it points to new beginnings.
Full Moon in Virgo
Well, the earth has literally moved. Japan’s devastating earthquake and tsunami coincided with the entry of shake rattle and roll Uranus into Aries. The fact that Uranus now sits on the Aries Point (0 degree Aries) suggests that many events of great ma…