This Solstice heats Summer up in such a way that people everywhere are declaring, “Too many cooks in the kitchen!”
Author: Michelle Piller
Love Horoscope for the Week of June 13
Lovers, here’s some news you may delight in: Venus and Saturn have teamed up to add some cosmic glue to your bond.
Love Horoscope for the Week of June 6
If you don’t care about ever getting laid again, that’s understandable, considering we’re smack dab in the middle of eclipse season. This is your “week off” before things start to shake, rattle and roll again next week.
Love Horoscope for the Week of May 30
Here comes a fresh start that could be a definitive game changer, courtesy of a New Moon Solar Eclipse in “multiple options please” Gemini.
Love Horoscope for the Week of May 23
The Sun has entered smarty-pants Gemini where, over the next month, you’re given a cosmic course on the ways of mental magic.
Love Horoscope for the Week of May 16
Tuesday’s Full Moon in Scorpio highlights where you’re feeling in (or possibly out of) control.
Love Horoscope for the Week of May 9
If you feel like you’ve been moving at breakneck speed for weeks on end, Mars in Taurus will force you to slow down.
Starstruck Astrology Has Moved!
Dear Reader,This site has found a new home. Please bookmark the new and improved version of Starstruck Astrology. I thank you for your continued presence, and welcome your comments and feedback on the new digs.Blessings,MichelleMichelle Piller, Starstr…
Love Horoscope for the Week of May 2
The Taurus New Moon is perfectly poised to bring you into alignment with your desires and goals.
Love Horoscope for the Week of April 25
Knowing just where the line is and how close you can cozy up to it will help things run more smoothly this week.