The cosmic energy at work in your life may have you working on a major home reno, or it may feel as though you’re being uprooted – if not physically, then psychologically. It’s all the same theme: you need a more safe and secure home and inner foundation upon which to build those enormous future […]
Author: Michelle Piller
Aquarius Love Horoscope for the Week of August 30
Even when the stakes are high and the end result matters a great deal, you’re wise enough to understand that it’s the journey there that counts. That’s why you don’t mind experimenting with different ways to get where you’re going. And so, with that in mind, here comes another reminder that sex is its own […]
Gemini Love Horoscope for the Week of August 30
A lover is trying to help you save up for a rainy day or a big-ticket item. Meanwhile, friends want more time with you, which costs a tiny piece of your soul. No one would ever accuse you of being antisocial; it’s just that you crave a little hermit time with someone special right now. […]
Libra Love Horoscope for the Week of August 30
For good or ill, other people – friends and lovers alike – are your teachers about boundary issues. Knowing where to draw the line becomes easier when you allow it to be more fluid than the strictly mapped-out fence you’re imagining. A one-size-fits-all approach may be tidier from a mental perspective, but it’s just not […]
Pisces Love Horoscope for the Week of August 30
If sex is a way to heaven, then you’re on the verge of sprouting wings. Letting yourself go in the act – in spite of all your misgivings – is a delirious way to connect soul to soul with the one you love. If you allow yourself to experience the accompanying sounds of breath, the […]
Aries Love Horoscope for the Week of August 30
You need to be working as part of a team – as opposed to solo – more than you care to acknowledge. Even though you’ve got the moxie and chutzpah to tackle anything, you still require a helping hand, whether from lovers or colleagues. In fact, their methods – though quite different from your own […]
Scorpio Love Horoscope for the Week of August 30
Are you using your fantasy life as a vehicle to run you over, or to help you dress the wounds of days gone by? If you’re unsure whether you’re putting your powers of visualization to beneficial use or not, get real about which fantasies are prominent (sexual or otherwise). If it’s you against the world […]
Virgo Love Horoscope for the Week of August 23
Your birthday season begins with a Full Moon that pits you against the forces of benevolent change. You’re reaching for something that’s not quite in grasp yet, so ease up. Before your next great adventures in intimacy can really take flight, you’ve got plenty of loose ends to tie up in your romantic life. Let’s […]
Leo Love Horoscope for the Week of August 23
Love isn’t a lost cause; it’s just calling you to higher ground. You place a lot of value on being able to see the really big picture – but in order for that to happen, you need to step outside the confines of your mind. Don’t ignore that intuitive voice that’s whispering for you to […]
Taurus Love Horoscope for the Week of August 23
You’re having an easier time accepting your friends just as they are than you are a current romantic partner. So you’ve decided it’s your sacred mission to help them improve. It’s as if you’re playing Henry Higgins to their Eliza Doolittle. If you’re too young to understand the reference, then rent My Fair Lady at […]