There’s a new sizzlin’ so-and-so at work – and suddenly, earning your daily bread just got a whole lot hotter. Whether to mix it up together or let it ride – that’s what you need to work out. Because, as much as you’re about romance and sex, you’re also feeling introspective. This is happening as […]
Author: Michelle Piller
Taurus Love Horoscope for the Week of September 6
Sexy and single? Get ready for a whole new thing. As far as renewing your romantic life goes, you’ve won the lottery. A tip before you go spending all that love that’s soon to rain down on you: be very clear about who you want to bring into your life. Same principle applies to those […]
Aries Love Horoscope for the Week of September 6
The demands of daily life have grown somewhat tedious to be sure, but the amount of energy you’re expending – both physically and mentally – doesn’t have to frazzle you. You’re actually about to appreciate that full plate of yours in a whole new way. But, in order to maximize the goodies in store, it’s […]
Virgo Love Horoscope for the Week of September 6
I’m not much of a believer in luck, but this week has to be a pretty good example of good luck. The Moon begins a new cycle in your sweet sign, making this a powerful time to clarify your intentions and desires for the next twelve months. It’s a little cosmic birthday present. Have faith […]
Pisces Love Horoscope for the Week of September 6
Love bird, you belong to yourself, first and foremost. This is true, even if you’re cozied up permanently with the one you adore. Though you’re a masterful chameleon, you owe it to yourself to be only who you are. I say this because you’re at a pivotal moment where you can either choose between being […]
Libra Love Horoscope for the Week of September 6
Saturn continues to teach you about personal boundaries and how to define them to your best advantage. But just for this week, give it a rest and float in the sea of humanity. See yourself as the beautiful fractal you are: an elegant piece of the Whole, connected with everyone and everything. Leave the routine […]
Leo Love Horoscope for the Week of August 30
You are being judged or evaluated on the merits of your communication style. As with all things, you’ve got admirers and detractors. It’s a little easy to respond to the challenge with a glib, “You can’t please everybody so you’ve got to please yourself.” It’s not always that cut and dry. Ask yourself instead what […]
Capricorn Love Horoscope for the Week of August 30
If you’ve been through hell lately, feel your strength returning. You’re on your way back. No one’s suggesting you’ve had an easy time of it. But thankfully, you’ve brought something back from those depths you descended: it’s a strong inner guidance – and it can’t be taken away from you now. That benevolent voice of […]
Taurus Love Horoscope for the Week of August 30
Right at the start of the week – even if it’s a fleeting moment – you get a taste of the sweet simpatico at play between you and a lover. If you’re single, don’t worry – you’re not missing out on this honey, it’s just that you’ll likely feel it in your creative expression. Suddenly […]
Virgo Love Horoscope for the Week of August 30
Regardless of your relationship status, you’ve got a bee in your bonnet where romance is concerned. It’s also tied in with sex and money – two issues that raise your awareness of personal security to a hyper-vigilant state. Be careful that, in your desire to be sensible with your finances, you don’t squelch your love […]