Thanks to a sweet New Moon in Virgo, you have a say as to what kind of changes you’d like to make in your life.
Author: Michelle Piller
Love Horoscope for the Week of August 22
Mercury’s almost finished his retro dance. Things could get kinda kooky on Friday, so keep things light and flexible.
Love Horoscope for the Week of August 15
This week’s energy provides the shot in the arm you need to shift into high gear.
Love Horoscope for the Week of August 8
During Saturday’s Full Moon, brought to you by the humanity-loving sign of Aquarius, something’s bound to pop.
Love Horoscope for the Week of August 1
Everything is a call for love—and this week, the call is huge, lovers.
Love Horoscope for the Week of July 25
Love goddess Venus is ready to make a grand entrance into the exuberant and playful sign of Leo, so expect things to lighten up.
Love Horoscope for the Week of July 18
Life slows down long enough this week for you to catch your breath and check out the scenery.
Love Horoscope for the Week of July 11
Even though we’re gearing up for a Full Moon on Friday, this one’s more gentle than any lunation we’ve had in recent memory.
Love Horoscope for the Week of July 4
Just in time for Independence day, love goddess Venus glides into the home and family sign of Cancer.
Love Horoscope for the Week of June 27
One suggestion during this eclipse: no smothering the one you love, no matter how much you equate it with nurturing.