Author: Michelle Piller

Taurus Love Horoscope for the Week of September 20

Perhaps it’s an understatement to describe your mood as edgy this week. Because there’s so much cosmic energy being channeled into your most significant relationship now, you may easily mistake your key partner as the source of your latest woes. Indeed, it may even appear to be an open and shut textbook case. However, you […]

Love Horoscope for the Week of September 20

Between the arrival of the Autumn Equinox and a big fat Full Moon in Aries, things are cooking with lots o’ gas. You may find that there’s just the right amount of sizzle to add some welcome spice to your situation. On the other hand, it may feel like you’re getting scorched by too much […]

Pisces Love Horoscope for the Week of September 13

Just as you begin to make more sense to yourself, your partner also comes across more clearly. Now you need to come to terms with your libido. Is it your friend or foe? Though you may not always be up for a romp, you’re well aware that sex is one of the binding ingredients in […]

Virgo Love Horoscope for the Week of September 13

It’s not easy to try and balance your need for concrete specifics with the surreal quality of your love life right now. Though you may be quite sure of what and whom you desire, there are questions around your partnership that still linger like an unresolved chord. You’re just dying to hit that note that […]

Libra Love Horoscope for the Week of September 13

What a strange ride you’ve had. Over these past few weeks, you’ve been the center of all the action, which has had its merits and problems. By now, however, it should feel as though much of the pressure has abated. As you take a moment to catch your breath, look at the situations and people […]

Cancer Love Horoscope for the Week of September 13

You’ve had a taste of the career heights you’re capable of achieving; now you need to sit and meditate for a spell, to ensure that everything you’ve been offered is what you truly desire. There’s lots of time to work it out, so while you let your brain play with that in the background, get […]

Aries Love Horoscope for the Week of September 13

Looking good, Ram. Sure, it may feel as though things have stopped moving at warp speed, but in your case that’s a good thing. Time for you to reach into your imagination and make sure that the wondrous things you daydream about can come true. Fortunately, you won’t be aggravated by daily snafus, so you […]

Love Horoscope for the Week of September 13

There’s nothing to hold you back now from going after what or whom you want. Mercury and Pluto are moving forward and it’s full speed ahead, baby. Good thing too, because you’re itching to get going already. Just be careful that, in your zeal, you don’t lose sight of what is realistically possible now. You’ve […]

Scorpio Love Horoscope for the Week of September 13

Yes, we know you place a premium on your privacy, but circumstances will force you out of your cave, if you’ve been hiding. You’re a magnet that pulls all kinds of people in, some of whom have romantic potential. As the admirers start entering your scene, you can feel your self-esteem soar. In fact, fortune […]

Gemini Love Horoscope for the Week of September 6

There’s a new sizzlin’ so-and-so at work – and suddenly, earning your daily bread just got a whole lot hotter. Whether to mix it up together or let it ride – that’s what you need to work out. Because, as much as you’re about romance and sex, you’re also feeling introspective. This is happening as […]