Author: Michelle Piller

Gemini Love Horoscope for the Week of October 18

Come here, now go away; I’ve gotta run, I’d love to stay. You’re hoping for some kind of miracle that will make any romantic dilemmas crystal clear. Even though Friday’s Full Moon will offer a clue, realize that you’re still on an emotional journey of reframing ancient heartaches, and seeing them from a bigger perspective. […]

Virgo Love Horoscope for the Week of October 18

Kiss ‘em goodbye: all of the self-recriminations, the mind games, the shoulda’s and the coulda’s. Buh-bye. A new and feistier sense of identity is emerging from a space deep within. It’s hardier than the ego you’re accustomed to wearing, and it’s born from all of the bits and pieces of yourself that you’ve never known […]

Capricorn Love Horoscope for the Week of October 18

Friday’s Full Moon may come as a powerful reminder of how close you’ve come – or possibly strayed from – your roots. We’re talking who you are at your core, we’re talking family alliances or estrangements, and we’re talking about where you live now, and with whom. Ever the self-contained one, you still require occasional […]

Scorpio Love Horoscope for the Week of October 18

You’ve got all kinds of ideas about how to address any pertinent issues in your love life. It’s just that you’re not entirely satisfied with any of the answers you’ve come up with through searching your heart. This isn’t the best time to make any dramatic changes, so if dragging your feet for a while […]

Aquarius Love Horoscope for the Week of October 18

How do you catch a thought in motion? Thoughts are said to travel faster than the speed of light, so it’s quite a challenge indeed to bottle them. Still, this is part of your journey towards greater enlightenment. Can you still your mind? Can you silence its ruckus? Try. Because your mind is the location […]

The Daily Planets

Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsSince Sunday is governed by the Sun, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on the star of our solar system.October 17: Sun in Libra trine Chiron and Neptune in AquariusIf ever there was a day t…

The Daily Planets

Artwork courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsSince Saturday is governed by Saturn, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on the planet of stabilization.October 16: Moon in Aquarius trine Saturn in LibraToday’s energy brings focus and deter…

The Daily Planets

Artwork courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsSince Friday is governed by Venus, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on the planet of love and money. October 15: Venus retrograde in ScorpioIt may appear as though Venus has pulled the blanke…

The Daily Planets

Artwork courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsSince Thursday is governed by Jupiter, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on the planet of bounty.October 14: Mars in Scorpio trine Jupiter retrograde in PiscesIf you scroll down to my post fro…

The Daily Planets

Artwork courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsSince Wednesday is governed by Mercury, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on the Winged Messenger. October 13: Mercury conjunct Sun in LibraAs mental Mercury makes his way through airy Libra, …