Welcome to another placid week. Whether you’re attached or playing the field, this is a delightful time to take a vacation. With all of the leisurely energy afoot, you’re bound to get a good … uh … bang for your buck. It’s not an ideal time to begin a committed relationship, but that doesn’t mean […]
Author: Michelle Piller
November 7: Moon and Mars Get It On in Sagittarius
* Photo courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsThe Moon has shifted into optimistic Sagittarius today, and she sparks up an animated conversation with warrior Mars. Because we’re dealing with fire energy, emotions may be strongly aroused, for good or ill. The …
November 6: New Moon in Scorpio
A New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon unite in the heavens. It is the beginning of a new lunar cycle and, hence, signifies a new beginning. The portion of your birth chart that is governed by Scorpio offers a hint about which area of your life is rea…
November 5: Venus retrograde in Scorpio trine Chiron in Aquarius
* Photo courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsSince Friday is governed by Venus, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on the planet of love and money. Venus retrograde conjuncts the Moon in Scorpio on the eve of a New Moon (more on that tomo…
Forget Six Degrees of Separation; There are 360 Degrees of Connectivity
* Graphic courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsThe planetary picture is the same as yesterday, so feel free to give yesterday’s post a read. In the meantime, did you know that each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac has its own special message? These messages …
November 3: Mercury square Neptune – It’s a Mystery to Me
* Graphic courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsSince Wednesday is governed by Mercury, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on the Winged Messenger.Mercury continues to make his way through Scorpio, imbuing minds with the curiosity to get t…
The Daily Planets
*Image courtesy of CBC’s Shaun MerrittSince Tuesday is governed by Mars, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on this feisty red planet. November 2: Mars Went into Sagittarius and All I Got Was This Lousy MayorThe heavenly kaleido…
The Daily Planets
* Artwork courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsSince Monday is governed by the Moon, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on Luna.November 1: Can Virgo Moon Derail Mars in Sagittarius’ Hunt for Adventure?This is an exceptional day on the …
It’s Halloween and I’m Being Haunted By The Holy Ghost!
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsThis is the seventh post in my Sunday series entitled The Risen Sun. It incorporates some of the messages from the service I attend at Eastminster United Church. If you attend a place of worship and als…
Leo Love Horoscope for the Week of November 1
If you’ve got your eye on someone, there’ll be no holding you back from going straight after ‘em! And chances are you’ll get what or whom you want. But is it a flash in the pan or a long-term thing? That depends largely on what you want – and this is an exceptional period to […]