Since Monday is governed by the Moon, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on Luna.A brilliant mind is a beautiful thing. (Not that I can lay claim to having one myself, but I’ve spoken to some very clever people in my time.) Yet …
Author: Michelle Piller
Love Horoscope for the Week of November 15
There are limits to how far you can go in relationships – even those with a wide berth. Nevertheless, you have an opportunity to push the envelope a smidge this week. The key is not to let your ardor override your understanding of where the relationship is at. Don’t succumb to the trap of spilling […]
November 14: Moon in Pisces – Floating in the Mystic River
*Photo courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsThe Moon is now in sensitive Pisces and in an out-of-sign trine with Venus retrograde in artistic Libra. Though feelings may be deep today, there is the added capacity to see those feelings for the fleeting fairies t…
November 13: On the Edge of Reason and Insanity with Saturn and Uranus
Since Saturday is governed by Saturn, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on the planet of stabilization.If you look to the chart for today you can see that Saturn and Uranus are each on the outer edges of a celestial bowl pattern …
November 12: In Search of a Lasting Peace with Venus Retrograde
Artwork courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsSince Friday is governed by Venus, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on the planet of love and money. Peace remains the theme of the day while Venus retrograde in Libra maintains her trine wit…
Venus Retrograde trine Chiron and Neptune: To Remember Is To Promote Peace
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsIt’s Remembrance Day – also known as Poppy Day, Armistice Day and Veteran’s Day. Mercury plays Taps on the bugle, while Mars the Warrior puts his artillery aside in consideration of his fallen comrades (Mars in …
Blunders and Plunders with Mercury conjunct Mars in Sagittarius
*Caricature courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsSince Wednesday is governed by Mercury, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on the Winged Messenger. If you follow the planets daily, it’s amazing how little changes over the course of twe…
November 9: Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius are on Their Soap Box
*Graphic courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsSince Tuesday is governed by Mars, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on this feisty red planet. As Mars makes his way through Sagittarius, he is now joined by Mercury. With eight degrees betw…
Addendum to Moon in Sagittarius
I’ve just finished a plate of scrambled eggs, only to find that some of it is on my face! Astrologer Alanna Morgan has just messaged me that the Moon is, in fact, applying towards a flowing trine with planets Venus and Jupiter. By Jove, she’s righ…
November 8: Void of Course Moon in Sagittarius
*Graphic courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsSince Monday is governed by the Moon, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on Luna.The Moon continues to soar through Sagittarius, the sign of the Archer. Alas, she makes no contacts (called asp…