Author: Michelle Piller

Moon in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn

* Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsWhen the Moon is in Cancer, as she is today, the instinct is to huddle underneath one’s blanket, coming up only for hot chocolate and other comfort foods and beverages. This is the let me stay home energy. An…

Love Horoscope for the Week of November 22

You may notice that relationships have suddenly entered a state of heightened activity. For that you can thank Sunday’s Full Moon on the final degree of Taurus. This fertile mistress of the night has a lesson for everyone about mastering the use of all of your resources – and yes, relationships count as resources. But […]

Full Moon in Taurus

*Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia CommmonsThe Moon has reached her fullness on the final degree of fertile Taurus – the sign of Moon’s exaltation. Something should be culminating for you and, since this lunation is ruled by Venus, romance or money …

Moon in Taurus quincunx Saturn in Libra

*Photograph courtesy of Wikimedia CommmonsSince Saturday is governed by Saturn, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on the planet of stabilization.With Saturn ruling the day in an awkward alignment with the Moon in Taurus, this wou…

November 18: Go For it With Moon in Aries

*Artwork courtesy of Wikimedia CommmonsNow that Moon in Aries has moved past her boiling point after yesterday’s square-off with Pluto, the air crackles with an upbeat get-er-done energy. Willpower is aligned with thoughts and feelings, thanks to a b…

November 17: Mad Moon in Aries

*Artwork courtesy of Wikimedia CommmonsThe Moon is feisty today, situated as she is in Aries. And, just to up the ante, she’s in tense alignments with Saturn in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn. You may have a lot you wish to get done today, but much of …