Author: juliedemboski

26 August 2010: More on the Weekend

Just a quick note for ECLIPSE readers: I’m sensing much more coming this weekend than I covered in the magazine–check out the Protected Page for details (password found at the end of the initial article in the magazine)–for anyone who…

25 August 2010: The Latest

Have you had a hard time concentrating lately? I’m just starting to sharpen my own attention; whether it’s from the virus or the retrograde or the Full and creative Pisces …

25 August 2010: Rough Patches

The Moon begins the 25th Pacific time still within the first decan (10 degrees) of Pisces; she’s fresh from her tryst with the Earth, emotion and spirit drawing her attention. By 3 AM-ish PDT the Moon trines the South Node, … Continue readi…

24 August 2010: Getting a Glimpse

This Full Moon energy is allowing us to get a glimpse of what’s going on with some in our world; see what I make of it on the ECLIPSE Only page (password protected–password located at the end of the first … Continue reading →

Extending the Moment

I’ve decided to extend my moment of meditation from yesterday for a few days more; my persistent, debilitating cold is urging me to simply rest–so I think I will. Some responsible adult will continue to monitor mail and fulfill orders&#8211…

A Moment of Meditation

Though I’ve already covered the Moon’s movement for today (please see previous post), I ran across this and thought it was worth pointing out, as the idea’s timeless: a deliberate, periodic need to remove oneself from the influences o…

17-18 August 2010: Lust Be a Lady

11 AM PDT of the 17th the lusty (yes, it does seem a lusty energy, rife with potential–so watch yourself around your Sag-influenced friends!) Sagittarius Moon trines Juno in her fiery Leo home, and we have a surge of empowerment energies that ca…

The ‘Why’ of Things

There seems to be a trend of late wherein what’s often being said (or expressed in some form) is dressed up with what we want it to mean, rather than with the words or expression having a decent relationship to the facts that are evident. This is…