Author: juliedemboski

10 September 2010: One Side or the Other

The transiting Moon in Libra is 11 minutes from my Sun as I write this, which may explain why, though I fully intended to go to bed, I decided to inspect the prevailing energies first. There was an urgency to … Continue reading →

3 September 2010: The Weekend is Upon Us

I’m keeping my eye on the way Merc retro trines the North Node this weekend; it adds a miscommunication (or wish-I-could-take-it-back) factor that’s even greater than usual. Relationships are prime for hurt and misunderstanding (Venus in L…

2-3 September 2010: Timing is Everything

The Lunar influence over the coming two days is best tracked to identify optimum times to do, to act, to move; we’re looking for power points and moments when it’s best to lay low. Major influences are assisting us in this two … Con…

Only for ECLIPSE Readers!

New material at the ECLIPSE Readers Protected Page–sign in and check it out! Password found at the end of the first article in the Summer issue of ECLIPSE–Thank You! Want in on the extras? Order the Summer issue of ECLIPSE–only $4.95…

30 August 2010: Acting on Instinct

The 3 AM hour PDT brings the Taurus Moon into quincunx with Vesta and trine with the North Node; we may feel we are sailing along in our planned direction quite successfully, but our most sacred values are in some … Continue reading →