Author: juliedemboski

12 October 2010: A New World

As much fun as I had over my Solar Return vacation, it was still a rough ride, and without actually having to consciously choose, my life has changed. Internal shifts were presented as both necessary and inevitable–I don’t feel like ……

4-11 October 2010: Taking Off

I apologize for not getting back here sooner; a series of tiny emergencies, crises, and surprises came up that demanded my attention. Since this is my Solar Return week, I’ll be taking off for a while–and hoping to take off … Continue…

1-2 October 2010: A Cancerian Mandate

The Cancer Moon is between engagements at the moment, with her next contact not coming until 4:30 AM of the morrow PDT, and that with quincunxes to the very close conjunction (only 24 minutes apart, at that point) of Neptune … Continue reading &#…

30 September 2010: Recognizing the Seeds

We move in the wake of our power issues (see previous post for the 29th) all the way through 7-ish PM Pacific, when the Cancer Moon conjuncts the South Node, joining the Nodes in forming a Grand Cross with the Sun/ Earth … Continue reading →

29 September 2010: Reading the Tea Leaves

The next Lunar statement is made when the Gemini Moon squares Mercury in Virgo ; communication is what it’s all about, and it’s coming from all sides. This is likely to be the theme for today, building to perfection very close to … …

28 September 2010: Being Self-Interested

By 4 PM PDT on the 27th our Lunar hero forms a T-square with Juno opposed Neptune/ Chiron; the emotions or intuition try desperately to resolve this stand-off between illusion specifically fostered by hurt, or dreaming about using skills, and the nee…

26 September 2010: Ain’t It Grand?

There’s a wonderful Grand Square formed (and while we consider this as a square, Pluto is also in the mix), soon to also be a Cross, involving the Nodes, Saturn/Sun, and Earth.Why wonderful? I’m not quite sure; it’s got a … Cont…