Author: juliedemboski

26 October 2010: Pairing Off

Right now it’s all about pairs (or groups) of energies that are working together, putting a special blend of their unique qualities out there–and that’s confusing, as we think we know what we’re dealing with, only to find some f…

20 October 2010: This ‘n That

I’m finishing up one of the articles for the next issue of ECLIPSE and I have a question for all of you: Who would you say is the most likeable public figure you can name? I have some ideas, one … Continue reading →

Saturn in Libra: Let’s Get Serious

Saturn is exalted in Libra; this suggests a sweet, almost secret affinity between the hard-nosed, no-nonsense Saturn surface presentation and the touchy-feely, appearance-is-All, relationship orientation of Libra. So how do they connect? The link ma…

18 October 2010: The Ram Attacks

A news report this morning alerted me to what’s up with our Martian/ Arian energies and after googling this sub…

16 October 2010: Notes on the Weekend

Just a few things I’ve noticed that I’d like to bring up, along with a plug for Twilight’s Arty Farty Friday–you’ll love it, especially if yo…

12 October 2010: A New World

As much fun as I had over my Solar Return vacation, it was still a rough ride, and without actually having to consciously choose, my life has changed. Internal shifts were presented as both necessary and inevitable–I don’t feel like ……