It’s all intellectual music, thanks to the Aquarius Moon. It skims along through the evening hours Pacific without a lot of contact (though a 7:30 PM sextile to Pallas says we will use our evening wisely). There is music, and … Continue rea…
Author: juliedemboski
11 November 2010: From Sunny Canada
It actually stopped being sunny this morning (though it was spectacular yesterday, bright and crisp, the crowds dotted with Remembrance Day poppies–now Veteran’s Day in the US); the harbor here in Victoria is foggy and this hotel, an old do…
November 10-12: Sacred and Solar
By evening of the 9th we see the Sun and Vesta still very close together in Scorpio, and this continues through the 12th; the melding of the Solar energy and the sacred principles of life makes for a monolithic sense … Continue reading →
9 November 2010: Authentic Feeling
Moon enters Capricorn on the 9th at 5:36 AM PST, contacting Pluto and the North Node, and illuminating that config (explained in detail in the Private Pages). What we may feel at this point may not be authentic to ourselves; … Continue reading &#…
7th House Survey
Scroll down for commentary on November 8th This is from Jessica Shepherd at ; she’s looking for data for her research project–she explains it all, below: If you speak the language of astrology and have a planet in the…
8 November 2010: Embracing Discretion
Here’s the tip for the day: In the early morning hours of the 8th Mercury moves into the 29th degree of Scorpio, semi-sextile Venus, taking the lady of love’s tension and giving it a ready outlet in communications. Yikes! Control is eve…
7 November 2010: Thoughts on a Sunday
Hello my Pretties! Just a few things knockin’ around on a prickly-smooth Sunday. Why prickly-smooth? We’ve got the transiting Moon in Sagittarius conjuncting Mars, backing the aggressive thrust with an emotional impetus that makes us reach …
5 November 2010: The New Moon in Scorpio ‘Empowering Message’
The New Moon occurs at 9:52 PM Pacific at 13 Scorpio 40–the only aspect made is a sextile to Juno. The Sabian is ‘Telephone Lineman at Work Installing New Connections’ Combined these say that the connections and ‘lines’ necessary ̷…
Some Thoughts on Juno
Juno, asteroid named for the Roman version of the Greek goddess Hera, wife of Jupiter/ Zeus and queen of Olympus, is currently in Virgo (at 13 01), which sends her attempts for empowerment in the direction of criticism and seeing … Continue readi…
3-4 November 2010: The Struggle
Today’s Libra Moon meets Saturn and h. Zeus–and likely leaves us exhausted, as we struggle. Against what, you may ask? You name it, we’re likely to fix on and attack whatever catches our fancy (Moon sextile Mars), and the worst part …