Author: juliedemboski

28 November 2010: That Old Virgo Moon

Though the inclination with a Virgo Moon is to criticize the Self and others, to believe we can nit-pick our way to perfection, the first thing we must realize is that we cannot, that in fact adopting this attitude will … Continue reading →

26-27 November 2010: Touchy Venus

One of the stars of the show today and tomorrow besides ourselves   (how else would it be for a Leo Moon?)  is Venus, at 29 degrees of Libra by evening of the 26th; stressed in her own home, in her … Continue reading →

23 November 2010: Classically Creative

By 8 AM PST the Moon trines Neptune and creates a loose Grand Trine with Venus in lovely Libra. Energies of creation, aesthetics, and emotions balance and can be very effectively tapped  for personal use. 10 AM and the Moon … Continue reading &#…

22 November 2010: Sagittarius Raw

 The Sun enters 00 Sagittarius and the Earth enters 00 Gemini at 2:14 AM PST. As planets of earliest degree, we may ‘lead with our identity’ or with a strong consciousness of our material position (by ‘lead’ I mean in … Continue reading …

20 November 2010: Watching Our Words

The energies are in little clusters, like tiny bombs, waiting to surprise us. Merc/ Mars in Sag, Venus quincunx Uranus=everyone may feel the urge to reach out and tell it ‘like it is,’ at least from their point of view. … Continue rea…

Post-Direction November

One facet of the 19th: By the end of the day the Sun and Earth are planets of latest degree, suggesting we will be very much ‘on point’ with issues–we’ll want to take care of business, and may do some … Continue reading →