Author: juliedemboski

7 December 2010: A Serious Action Plan

8 Dec 9:59 AM PST We lost internet here in this part of Seattle for several hours–so I’m way behind! Check back this afternoon for a new post–thanks! 3:49 PM PST on the 7th Mars enters Capricorn, and the action … Continue readin…

Excerpts from ‘Juno in the Natal Chart’

This is from the section describing Juno’s contact in a woman’s own chart to other bodies: Juno to her own Moon: This links empowerment firmly to female energies concerned with generational, ancestral, maternal, and intuitive impulses, and …

5 December 2010: Basking in the New Moon

Hard to do, really, as a New Moon is so fresh and tenuous, barely reflecting any light–and yet, we feel it, as a major energy shift comes into play. Since the Sagittarius setting for the Sun and Moon meeting seems … Continue reading →

ECLIPSE Readers, All Readers!

The New Moon report for December is up! Access it with your password, link at right under ‘Pages’ Thank you! Still need your password? Get it with purchase of astro journal ECLIPSE…

2 December 2010: Doubly in the Dark

It’s a newly spawned (that seems about right for) Scorpio Moon, beginning its journey just as we enter the Dark of the Moon leading up to the New Moon of the 5th. By the 9 AM hour PST we are … Continue reading →

1 December 2010: A Lover’s Moon–Not!

The Moon in Libra is a lover’s Moon–but we have all these other influences crowding the edges of consciousness (Venus trine SN, Merc/NN/PL conj, Juno’s aspects, h. Zeus/ Saturn, Uranus station–outlined on the Pages Only for ECLI…

30 November 2010: Emotional Football

The Moon now in Libra, Venus at 00 Scorpio, it all smells so refreshing, doesn’t it? And yet we can’t go long without a challenge, in this case, the Moon’s square to Pluto around 11 AM Pacific. We’ll each choose … Continue reading →

29 November 2010: Scorpio Freedom and Reward

One of the highlights for today comes around 4:30 PM PST: the Moon will be opposed Jupiter, and Venus will have just entered Scorpio. The sense of release could be major, though for some, it may seem like everybody else is … Continue reading &#8…

A Look at Willie Nelson

As one of the subjects of the article ‘The Artisan, the Builder, and the Harvester: Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo-the Earth Element in the Natal Chart,’ ECLIPSE readers know of the importance for Mr. Nelson of staying grounded–the exac…