Author: juliedemboski

28 December 2010: Intuition Suppressed

9 AM PST of the 28th the Moon conjuncts h. Zeus, immediately followed with a square to Mars and a conjunction to Saturn. This presents a complex wherein the emotions and ‘I am’ challenge us to act, to do ‘it,’ … Continue reading →

27 December 2010: Cardinal Rules

Cardinal energies get their first boost around 1 PM PST with the Moon’s T-square to the Nodal axis and Pallas, which is conjunct the NN. The emotions want to ‘make it happen,’ and there’s an acute awareness that guidance and … Continue re…

26 December 2010: Transparency

Merc is quincunx Sedna and the Sun conjunct Pluto, a devastating combo, if we’re hiding something from ourselves–we won’t be able to run a number on anyone, our secrets may be revealed in transformative ways (positive or negative) and communicati…

23 December 2010: Willing Transformation

Just before 9 AM there’s a quincunx to the North Node–more assessment of direction–odd that we’re so focused on life accomplishment at what for many is a holiday time–or maybe that’s the point, we’re in an acute period of nostalgia &#8230…

22 December 2010: The Power of Manipulation

published at 7:53 AM PST About 6:30 PM PST the Moon quincunxes retro Merc, bringing an emotional hiccup–we wonder why everything seems uncomfortably irritating, all at 6s and 7s, as they say; this is followed by the Moon’s opposition to … Con…

21 December 2010: Busy Little Bee

Published 9:40 AM PST 21 December Mercury Retro is a busy little bee; currently, Merc is square Juno, sextile Neptune/ Chiron, and square Uranus/ Jupiter–giving us a T-square, and factoring in that Merc is still for the time being conjunct … Co…