Author: jude cowell

Is the "Make Home Affordable" program a scam?

Hi Ho Silver, the Bankster Gang rides again!Chase Home Finance needed better PR for its brand and wanted a bunch more empty houses on its ledgers so it set up the Make Home Affordable program which seems to be a grand stalling tactic where homes are foreclosed on no matter how many times you send in the papers and documentation they ask for – they can’t seem to hold on to the boogers.Click to

Spooky for markets? The Hindenburg Omen

The fabled Hindenburg Omen is a stock market crash indicator that some say is in play now and may time a collapse by the end of 2010.A few days ago I posted on market crash predictions with a Gerald Celente video – perhaps you viewed it. Mr. Celente has a good track record for market predictions and he’s saying ‘crash by the end of the year’, etc. In my post, I list the current Solar Eclipse

Will US billionaire donors aid Americans, too?

Excerpt: Two weeks ago, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and 40 other billionaires pledged to donate at least half of their fortunes to philanthropy, either while still alive or after death. Is America a country so blessed with affluence that it can afford to give away billions, just like that?Oh yes, I’ve wanted to post something about this since it was announced because if Mr. Gates and Mr. Buffett

Analysis: the handwriting of Barack Obama

Here’s an interesting piece which analyzes the handwriting of President Obama.One of the handwriting samples seems to be missing from the page (in my browser) yet I’m passing it on for those who wish to delve more deeply into the personality of Barack Obama bwo Graphology.Actually, I have some info on an analysis of the handwriting of Benjamin Franklin which I should prbably post @ some point.

Protect WikiLeaks!

Why WikiLeaks Must Be Protected By John Pilger The WikiLeaks revelations shame the dominant section of journalism devoted merely to taking down what cynical and malign power tells it. This is state stenography, not journalism.~:~"State stenography" – yes!

Video: How can America keep financing the deficit?

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts’s articles have been favored on this blog for a while now. Here he discusses the purposeful destruction of America which I’ve been fussing about on this and other blogs for years. My typing finger is fairly falling off from all my fussing…but honestly, if we-the-people would realize en masse the power we have in numbers and the raging class warfare which has so far

Celente predicts market crash by end of year (video)

Gerald Celente has been correct a bunch of times about our financial prospects. Here he’s predicting a possible stock market crash by the end of 2010. This post’s title should read, audio. Pardon.Then does Astrology, also a system of cycles as in the realm of finances, concur? Right now we’re ‘between’ two Solar Eclipses, both of which indicate financial stress and/or weakness. July 11, 2010’s

Catfood Commission vs Social Security benefits

Today I am working on an America-infused article for Julie Demboski’s Eclipse e-zine so I don’t expect to be posting today beyond this heads-up which concerns a post of mine you may have missed. If you’re in the mood for 1930s to 2010 financials mixed with a smidgen of Astrology and embedded within a classic film try:Money in the Land of Oz.And check out a previous post on this blog which

FDR signs SS Act Aug 14, 1935 (video)

Here is President Franklin Roosevelt signing into law the Social Security Act of 1935 and making a few remarks afterwards.The bill signing of December 14, 1935 makes today SS’s 75th anniversary, so Happy Birthday and may you enjoy many more returns, SS. As a small business owner in the US, I’ve paid 100% of my FICA taxes into the SS fund for decades so naturally I remain partial to this social ‘