Wikileaks Posts Classified CIA MemoBy Al JazeeraThe whistleblower organisation Wikileaks has released a classified CIA document asking what would happen if foreign countries began to view the US as "an exporter of terrorism." #What would happen if they began to view the US that way? My most private opinion is that foreign countries – particularly those the Pentagon is bombing like the devil –
Author: jude cowell
Zionism and the natal chart of Israel
Zionism has been called out as racism and colonialism and I find myself having to agree these days. That one race has to suffer to exalt another hardly seems to me the basis of the original movement as founded by Theodor Herzl.Now don’t get me wrong: growing up in a family where the principles of the Protestant Bible were top of the list, the scriptural admonition to ‘Pray for the peace of Israel
Muse against the babylon system of pop culture
Seeing mega-rock band Muse on TV a few times had not fully alerted me to the fact that they sing against the mindless babylon system of pop culture and the thought control of the New World Order. Yet how they got where they are in the music industry eludes me unless they sang less political lyrics in their early days, sold a bunch of records, and later brought out their opposition to global elite
A ‘hidden square’ in America’s Scorpio Rising chart
If one uses the Scorpio Rising chart for America (2:21 pm – or 2:22 pm – LMT July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, PA) as a natal chart or as a special interest chart – in this case, for Scorpionic stuff such as surveillance, spying agencies, Big Business, the occult, becoming an initiate or an adept, etc – one discovers a mysteriously named ‘hidden square’ (256 degrees) which is not necessarily visible or
Full Moon 1Pis25 conj Chiron Aug 24, 2010
Since I’m now involved in writing a longer-than-usual article these days, my blogging time has been sporadic. But not to fret! For the next lunation is covered by Julie Demboski – Tuesday August 24’s Full Moon in early Pisces is detailed in her excellent Down the Rabbithole offering.As Julie mentions, it won’t be a ‘rabbithole’ for everyone – there are caveats, after all, even with Mercury Rx.
Virgo New Moon for Rosh Hashannah Sep 8, 2010
Do you know there’s more to Rosh Hashanah than being New Years Day in the Jewish calendar?Beginning at sundown on September 8, 2010, this year’s 48-hour festivities are marked by a New Moon 15Vir41 in 11th house of *Israel’s 1948 natal chart (ASC 23Lib01 with chart-ruler Venus 4Can48 in 9th house and conjunct US n Venus and Jupiter; Israel’s mavericky n Jupiter 27Sag39 Rx in 3rd house.) The New
Is the "Make Home Affordable" program a scam?
Hi Ho Silver, the Bankster Gang rides again!Chase Home Finance needed better PR for its brand and wanted a bunch more empty houses on its ledgers so it set up the Make Home Affordable program which seems to be a grand stalling tactic where homes are foreclosed on no matter how many times you send in the papers and documentation they ask for – they can’t seem to hold on to the boogers.Click to
Spooky for markets? The Hindenburg Omen
The fabled Hindenburg Omen is a stock market crash indicator that some say is in play now and may time a collapse by the end of 2010.A few days ago I posted on market crash predictions with a Gerald Celente video – perhaps you viewed it. Mr. Celente has a good track record for market predictions and he’s saying ‘crash by the end of the year’, etc. In my post, I list the current Solar Eclipse
Will US billionaire donors aid Americans, too?
Excerpt: Two weeks ago, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and 40 other billionaires pledged to donate at least half of their fortunes to philanthropy, either while still alive or after death. Is America a country so blessed with affluence that it can afford to give away billions, just like that?Oh yes, I’ve wanted to post something about this since it was announced because if Mr. Gates and Mr. Buffett
Analysis: the handwriting of Barack Obama
Here’s an interesting piece which analyzes the handwriting of President Obama.One of the handwriting samples seems to be missing from the page (in my browser) yet I’m passing it on for those who wish to delve more deeply into the personality of Barack Obama bwo Graphology.Actually, I have some info on an analysis of the handwriting of Benjamin Franklin which I should prbably post @ some point.