Author: jude cowell

Obama on Iraq tonight 8:00 pm edt w/ Pisces Rising

This evening at 8:00 pm edt, President Obama will speak for approximately 15 minutes on the ending of official combat operations in Iraq, a war begun on March 20, 2003 6:35 am Baghdad time with 8Ari16 rising.There’s no time this morning to blog on the Iraq War chart itself but I can say that in tonight’s TV speech chart, the first planet to rise will be 2003’s Mercury 27Pis19, the spot where

‘To abolish poverty, abolish plutocracy’ (Rutherford B. Hayes)

Here’s the rest of the above quote from our 19th President Rutherford B. Hayes (1822 – 1893) but I wonder which modern day Republicans (or Democrats) would like to hear it much less implement it. For then their over-stuffed gravy train would have to be brought to a screeching halt instead of honest people’s incomes dissolving into thin air:"Abolish plutocracy if you would abolish poverty. As

Gandhi’s good question and JP Morgan’s Astrology

"What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?" GandhiA while back I posted another of Gandhi’s quotes along with a smidgeon of details on his natal chart. Included is an excerpt from the 1922 book by Senator Richard Pettigrew Triumphant Plutocracy which

Sometimes you may have to agree with Ahmadinejad

If Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad comes up with a logical answer that explains the source of all crises around the globe, I just may have to agree with the fellow.Drat!%*#. Thanks, corrupt US politicians.Whether Western or Eastern, global crime syndicates are wreaking havoc across the planet and my suspicion is that their members both foreign and domestic are playing on the same team against the rest

Mercury Rx until Sep 12, 2010, psyops a favored tool

After the post I published earlier today with mention of America’s natal Mercury/Pluto opposition and our Mercury/Pluto cycle which began Jan 18, 1776 @ 26Cap32, I was somehow directed toward an informative article containing info on the current Mercury Rx period (August 20 – Sept 12, 2010), psyops, thought control, propaganda, George Orwell’s 1984, Noam Chomsky, and government which I believe

Washington DC a ‘New Rome’? Altair the Eagle says, Yes

In my last post I wondered aloud if the world is any better off because the British Empire morphed into the American Empire. World populations still groan in pain under imperialistic oppression no matter its national origins or current moniker. And my deepest suspicion is that US-Brit political relations show a joining of empires more than is usually admitted in public although some inner

LeCarre outs James Bond as "neo-fascistic"

A few months ago I picked up my tattered, yellowed paperback copy of The Spy Who Came in from the Cold and happily reread it. The last time must have been over 20 years ago. Even yellowed, the drama kept its grim sparkle intact.So when I heard that author John LaCarre, former MI5 and MI6 agent for Britain back in the day, had outed Ian Fleming’s character James Bond as not really a spy but "

Astrology: Dueling Rallies in DC – Beck v Sharpton 8.28.10

If you’ve been in a cave lately you may have missed the news of two rallies being held in Washington DC tomorrow, August 28, one to mark the 47th anniversary of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr’s I Have a Dream speech which was delivered at the Lincoln Memorial and which will be led by former civil rights activist Al Sharpton and the other led by erstwhile Obama opponents, FOX News and its prevailing

Are there Freemasons in Congress? view the video

Somehow I missed this CNN feature from months ago which purports to discuss the fact that some members of the US Congress are Freemasonry members. I say ‘purports’ because in the end, the topic is treated lightly with a ‘well they do raise millions for charity’ toss-off as if the good works done by Mason rank and file (and everyone knows they do) is all that’s going on at the top of the

June-July-August 2010 brings attacks on Jupiter

Perhaps you’ve heard that Jupiter has experienced at least three attacks recently from what are probably meteors and comets.It’s been observed before – in 1994 and in olden days by the discoverer of four of Saturn’s Moons, Giovanni Casini. Perhaps Jupiter’s ongoing transit to Aries Point has helped put the Great Benefic’s woes in the news since the Cardinal Points are where large events tend to