As this disturbing article makes very clear, Big Brother is only a ping or a mouse-click away from where you sit.Now Stars Over Washington, if it were read in Washington DC, would be fairly unpopular amongst governmental fear mongers, I’m quite certain, for this blogger is disdainfully distrusting of their ‘New World Order’ agenda. What the NSA can tell about me personally online is more than I’d
Author: jude cowell
Senate returns Oct 12, 2010: Sun Lib-Moon Sag
The US Senate returns to their Masonic Temple (Capitol Building) tomorrow, October 12, 2010 with the Sun in Libra, Moon in Sagittarius, a personality blend which may give us clues concerning the atmosphere of the day.Libra’s mental airiness with Sagittarius’ fiery questing and seeking functions give Tuesday a ‘live wire’ quality that crackles all the way down to Georgia from whence I type.
James K. Galbraith’s progressive response to economic crisis (video)
Economist Dr. James K. Galbraith spoke at the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers’ 9th convention last month, where he brought delegates a message not often heard from economists – that there is a progressive response to the economic crisis.Galbraith – the son of famed Canadian economist John Kenneth Galbraith – regaled delegates with his analysis of the roots of the economic recession that
Chandra Levy case: murder trial begins Oct 18, 2010
In February 2009, the astrological details of Chandra Levy’s natal chart (birth time is known) along with the data of when she was last seen alive, plus the date/time of her last email were listed on this blog. (Click for charts’ data.)But don’t take my word for it: the post also contains a link to the excellent Christopher Warnock’s extensive analysis of the charts.Now it’s nine years later and
IMF meets as Venus Stations Rx Oct 8, 2010
The International Monetary Fund meets this weekend in Washington DC as planet Venus turns retrograde today, October 8, 2010 at 13Scorpio 13, a station retrograde.As you see, the mystical number 13, important in Sacred Geometry (as Freemasonry tells us), is being emphasized here as the planet of evaluations and relationships is strengthened while seemingly standing still in the heavens. Erin
Draconids, Venus Rx, and the Green Comet! Oct 2010/11
Venus turning Rx on Oct 8, 2010 @ 13Sco13 isn’t all that’s hot in the heavens for Oct 8 is the annual date of the Draconid Meteor Shower:Space Weather News for Oct 8, 2010DRACONID METEORS: Every year around Oct 8, Earth passes through a minefield of dusty debris from Comet Giacobini-Zinner, source of the annual Draconid meteor shower. This year, forecasters expect Earth to narrowly miss several
‘Ultra Deep Field’ in 3D as seen by Hubble Telescope!
Here’s an interesting presentation of NASA curiosity which details how the Hubble Telescope was pointed toward a sand-grain-sized ‘black patch in the sky’ for 10 days in 1996 and 11 days in 2004..and what was discovered!View if you may, then see if it reminds you too of what Jesus said to His disciples concerning such subjects: "In My Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would
The "lasting peace" of Woodrow Wilson
As a blueprint for ‘lasting peace’ in Europe after WWI, President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points were announced in his address to a Joint Session of Congress on Jan 8, 1918, and the idealism he displayed in his speech is said to have given him a position of moral leadership among the Allies, and provided encouragement to the Central Powers to surrender.Click the above link for more details and
Graphing the National Debt
Supply-siders revealed! Voo Doo Economics don’t work! Trickle Down is poppycock! There’s more behind America’s National Debt situation than most people care to admit – especially the GOP who rail against it only when Democrats are in charge.The graph begins with Ronald Reagan and morphs into his virtual sidekick, George W. Bush, which in my opinion is a very good place to start.Which reminds me:
Vote November 2! Meg Whitman video
This one’s for my California friends interested in keeping deep-pockets Meg Whitman out of their government!