Author: jude cowell

Keith Olbermann: Qs for the President on Libya

Reading other people’s mail is usually wrong but not in this case:Libya, Obama, and the Five-Second Rule Special Comment By Keith Olbermann Mr. President. We are not clear why we are fighting, who exactly we are fighting with, who the ‘rebels’ are that we’re fighting for, what a No-Fly Zone accomplishes with a dictator who has ground troops, how long we are to be there, to whom we are to "

Leuren Moret: Japan quake-nuke meltdown "no accident" (video)

Scientist Leuren Moret (a heroine of mine if I tended to maintain pedestals for human beings!) says the current earthquake-meltdown conditions in Japan were done deliberately. I’ve been waiting for this news, haven’t you? Here’s the scoop which I found bwo the excellent – Independent scientist Leuren Moret, whose 2004 landmark article in the Japan Times unmasked lies

"Collapse" (full movie) featuring Michael Ruppert (& US Sec Mars Rx)

This is a first for SO’W: posting a full length film, and this one features Michael Ruppert (From the Wilderness; predicted Financial Collapse 2008) and it knocked my socks off earlier today when I had a chance to view it.The video is 1 hour 33 mins 20 secs long and I hope you’ll stay with it a while, if you haven’t seen it before. There’s a bunch of investigative work behind what the man says

And Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem March 23, 2011

In these troubled years I think of the Scriptural admonition to, Pray for the peace of Israel. Now with Jerusalem’s bombing on March 23, 2011, marking the worst Israel-Gaza clashes since the 2009 war and the "small wars" said to be broken out along the border, I know of little else to do from afar, do you?Yes, it is true that Good Shall Triumph! Yet I would love to have some Peace on Earth for a

After Citizens United, & Solar Eclipses 1993 = 2011

Perhaps you’ve seen the brilliant photo of the March 19, 2011 SuperMoon in Virgo rising above DC’s Lincoln Memorial now posted on a new blog After Citizens United. (Astro-Note: constellation Virgo and its stars have particular significance for the founding of America including the related archetype for nurturing asteroid Ceres (‘security concerns’) which in America’s natal chart, conjoins our

Vulcans to Libya, a SuperMoon, & Iraq War’s Solar Return March 2011

NPR BREAKING NEWS: Allied Aircraft Flying Over Libya French President Nicolas Sarkozy has confirmed that coalition planes are in the air above Libya. "Our air force will oppose any aggression by Col. Gadhafi against the population of Benghazi," he announced in Paris. More at NPR.~:~Astro-Note: the Iraq War’s Solar Return 2011 occurs March 20, 2011 at 4:55:59 am BAT -3:00 Baghdad, Iraq; ASC 1Pis17

SuperMoon or Full? March 19, 2011 lunation in Virgo

If you’re contemplating upon the Full Moon of Saturday March 19, 2011 @28Vir48 and the fact that it qualifies as a ‘SuperMoon’, as the phenomenon was titled by astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979, then you’ll want to read the list (1954 – 2036) provided of natural disasters which have occurred within 3 days of a SuperMoon.Now Astronomy does not concur on the subject of influence upon the Earth’s

UN okays No-Fly Zone for Libya, UN horoscope activated 3.18.11

Here is Resolution 1973 (2011) in a form meant for public consumption (not the official version, it says) which was voted on Thursday after a closed door meeting. Click for more details on the ‘No Fly’ resolution.You may wish to view the United Nations’ natal horoscope here. Progressing this chart to 3.17.11 gives a SP Sun 7Cap13 with transiting Pluto 7Cap23 coming to call with power ascendancy

Messenger Orbits Mercury tonight as Mercury opposes Saturn 3.17.11

And a Happy St. Patrick’s Day 2011 to you and to NASA whose space probe Messenger is to go into elliptical orbit around speedy Mercury tonight and for one Earth year after.Here’s a Timeline of the 6-year+ project to investigate Mercury.NASA’s Messenger page has lots of info (apt for anything to do with Astrology’s mental planet, Mercury!) and says that Orbital Insertion begins tonight at 8:45 pm

Stars Over Washington 2011-03-17 00:18:00

After watching these last years as The Soulless of Wall Street and Washington tag-teamed to run the American people into the alms house, I find today that in Japan as in the US (and most every other location on the globe, centering in London), it was cold hearted greed and lax oversight that preceded the meltdown of nuclear reactors (built on fault lines); plus a 9.0 earthquake (3.11.11 Fri 2:47