Author: jude cowell

NPR turns 40 today with a Uranus/Chiron opposition

Looking at the natal horoscope of NPR’s first-ever broadcast of All Things Considered, it’s interesting to note a few of the astro-factors shown.Broadcaster Jupiter Rx 3Sag58 (‘4Sag’ = "A Little Child Learning to Walk"!) is in process of its Great Conjunction with Neptune 2Sag13 Rx in 2nd house with Neptune representing media and its masses of listeners. Let’s consider – not all things – but a

Attack on Osama bin Laden Tweeted in real time!

Of all that I’ve heard or seen since late last evening concerning the attack and killing of Osama bin Laden, my so-far favorite comes from a resident who didn’t know what he was Tweeting about when he first Tweeted it!.Here’s TIME’s timeline of events though how many grains of salt you want handy as you read are up to you.(His DNA was taken and his body buried at sea? Really? DNA could have been

Horoscopes of New/Full Moons of May 3 and 17, 2011

With this post, Stars Over Washington passes the 2,700-post milestone and begins to reach toward 2,800 entries so let’s discuss the horoscopes of May 2011’s two lunations: a New Moon on Tuesday May 3, 2011 (12Tau31; seeding phase) and a Full Moon on Tuesday May 17, 2011 (26Sco13; culmination or fulfillment phase of the Sun-Moon cycle.) Click to enlarge; New Moon chart lists US natal placements,

NATO missile kills Gadhafi’s son 4.30.11

It’s April 30, 2011 and a news alert has arrived:NPR BREAKING NEWS: Libya Says NATO Missile Strike Kills Gadhafi’s Son Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi survived a NATO missile strike Saturday that killed his youngest son, Saif al-Arab Gadhafi, and three grandchildren and wounded friends and relatives, Libya’s spokesman said. Read more at NPR.

Founding of Washington DC based on pay-offs

On the Early History and Pre-History of K Street and Washington DC (aka, Funktown)by Jude CowellK.A. Muston’s The Little Green House on K Street is a must-read as I discovered today when its link was sent along to me by the excellent Alex D’Atria of GOP Astrology.You’ll note the date mentioned: June 20, 1783 at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the morning our desperate Continental

Obama administration turns heavy-handed with reporter

Whoa, it seems the Obama administration has a beef against a free press. Or should a reporter breaking a politician’s rule be overlooked?This incident could resound in a loud tsk tsk upon the administration’s promised transparency. But they all promise transparency as they walk in the White House door, don’t they? Old secrets await them and new secrets pile up as the presidential days tick by.And

Horoscope of Barack Obama w 4.27.11 transits

This morning I posted the NPR News Alert that the White House has released the birth certificate of President Barack Obama. This inspires me to publish a copy of President Obama’s natal horoscope, something I had not done before on this blog although I have referred to its placements, of course. The released BC shows the birth time that most if not all astrologers have been using: 7:24 pm AHST,

White House Releases Obama’s Birth Certificate!

NPR BREAKING NEWS: Copy Of Obama Birth Certificate Released The White House has released a copy of the long form of President Obama’s birth certificate from Hawaii. The president was expected to discuss his birth certificate in a statement later Wednesday. More at NPR.

Of YODS, Quincunxes, and Prince William’s Royal Wedding

As part of her blog’s ongoing aspect series on quincunxes (150 degrees), master astrologer Donna Cunningham has published an excellent analysis concerning YODS, quincunxes, and the April 29, 2011 Royal Wedding of the ‘Eclipse Prince’ William and Miss Kate Middleton.Links to other Astrology articles on the happy couple and the Royal Wedding are included along with natal chart, YOD, and quincunx

Horoscope USA: Uranus in Gemini Rising

Shown: America’s natal horoscope with Uranus in Gemini Rising July 4, 1776 2:22 am LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; it remains a Venus Hour as in the US Sibly chart, and Venus, Mars, and Pluto retain their out-of-bounds status.Click to enlarge the chart for more details.The following is one of the several potential birth charts for the founding of America. There are two historical hints as to the