Author: jude cowell

Candidate Newt Gingrich under fire from big guns

Well, candidate Newt Gingrich has come under fire very early in his campaign for his remarks Sunday on Meet the Press and the fire is coming from the GOP.Charles Krauthammer, one of the elite neocon new world order bunch, and radioman Rush Limbaugh (ditto) are leading the attack at present. Guess Mr. Gingrich was depending on an imaginary groundswell of support from the masses to quell what he

Right to healthcare is slavery, says Ron Paul

In the last few years a smattering of SO’W readers have asked me to keep up with Ron Paul more regularly especially during presidential campaigns. And while it’s true I’ve given quite a bit of blog space to Paul’s Audit the Fed movement, it is with amazement this morning that I read omnipotentpoobah’s article Enslaved to Ron Paul detailing some of his more disturbing antics and remarks concerning

Joining the NWO? See "IllumiCorp" the film (video)

This creepy video presentation mimics what an Illuminati initiate’s introduction could be like if such a toady were inclined to join and carry the water for the New World Order’s one-world-government agenda. It explains methods of infiltration, demonstrates Illuminati hierarchy, and reveals how the world has been inundated with their propaganda of "inevitability" from all directions – from inside

Astrology of May 21, 2011 — and of October 22,1844

Today I bow to appeals from a few curious SO’W readers and am posting on the topic of May 21, 2011 as the proposed Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Click for NPR’s treatment of it for as the article says, We’ll know soon enough.All week I’ve grabbed a few minutes here and there to study the horoscopes of the upcoming ‘twin’ Solar Eclipses of June 1, 2011 (Gemini) and July 1, 2011 (Cancer), a rare

Is Newt Gingrich a "national candidate" yet? 5.11.11

May 11, 2011: Has Newt Gingrich announced his run for US president yet? He’s supposed to be doing so today and weeks ago the story was that his prez bid announcement would be made from Philadelphia’s *Independence Hall. My assumption is that announcing from such a location would be a shout-out to Tea Partisans and a bid for hyper-patriotism.Well, here’s Mr. Gingrich’s birth data (hour unknown)

Visible Alignment of Planets: a presaging of 2012? 5.10.11

1999, the New Millennium, 2012, and Planets All in a Row 2011by Jude CowellMay 10, 2011: as of today it is possible to see with the naked eye a fabulous celestial show: a line-up of Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter in the wee hours of the morning for the next few weeks.Even quirkily inclined Uranus and shy Neptune may be viewed if environmental conditions are right and you have a decent pair of

Week of May 9, 2011: China to Washington DC

With China’s counterpart officials to US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner visiting Washington DC this week for meetings, I’ve had a peek at the natal horoscope of China and the nation’s current progressions. Click to view China’s 1949 national horoscope which I published in 2010 on the occasion of Mr. Geithner’s visit there. Plus, here’s a creaky old post from way back in April 2006 when China

Spotlighting the Illuminati Network

A SO’W Special: here is a second Guest Post, this time concerning the topic of the secretive Illuminati by the author of the New World Order 2012 blog:The Illuminati Networkby New World Order 2012Many people are talking about the Illuminati, but do we really know who they are?Some people say that they are aliens from another world, and they are trying to control human beings. Other people say

Are Beltane and bin Laden raid linked? (Max Igan video)

For your consideration: Max Igan has some thoughts and information on the synchronicity of the May 1, 2011 raid on the bin Laden compound in Pakistan occurring during a pagan holiday. No pagans around here, though I can’t vouch the same for any ancient ancestry I might have! JudePart 1 of 4:Part 2 of 4:Part 3 of 4:Part 4 of 4:~:~Blog Note: as always, the views expressed in the above video

A fake bin Laden story? (video); the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981

Update 5:15 pm edt: the Pentagon has released 5 video snippets of what is supposedly Osama bin Laden rehearsing with a blackened beard (which looks fake to me!) Audio has not been included. Original post begins here:Now I’m definitely not the only one entertaining doubts about the US government’s shifting story of the Osama bin Laden raid and assassination in Pakistan.Did a raid take place? I