Author: jude cowell

Netanyahu to Congress: Saturn/Uranus = Pluto

May 24, 2011: it’s a little after 11 am edt, and any minute now, Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu is to speak before a joint session of the US Congress. With the ongoing Saturn/Uranus opposition pointing toward powerful Pluto, we are about to experience a real-life express of the T-Square with the Saturn/Uranus combo the celestial representatives of the Middle East, particularly of Israel and

An Astro-Peek at Tim Pawlenty (R- MN)

Today in Des Moines, Iowa, former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty officially announced his bid for the Republican presidential nomination after releasing an announcement video yesterday (watch it here.)But not all Minnesotans are completely enamoured of Mr. Pawlenty, however, since he left the state a $6 billion deficit and used some shifty financial practices as many slick politicians are wont

Week of May 23, 2011: Congress gavels in @ 2 pm edt

This afternoon when the US Congress gavels in on Capitol Hill, 17Vir04 rises, and with its opposite degree 17Pis04 descending, shows the critical or crisis nature of this week’s business for 17Vir/Pis are critical degrees on the 6/12 (victim/savior) axis.US natal Neptune 22Vir25 (planet of illusion, deception, fraud, and inspiration) is the first US planet to rise and it brings along our national

A Goldman-Sachs natal chart, Scott Walker, and Financial Astrology

While preparing next week’s article concerning the horoscope of the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse 9Can12 (it’s a biggie falling amongst US natal planets in Cancer and spotlights an Earth Grand Cross which includes transit Pluto opposing said Cancerian planets), I feel that a heads-up is in order for those who may wish astrological information on Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and his ‘naked power grab’

A Goldman-Sachs natal chart, Scott Walker, and Financial Astrology

While preparing next week’s article concerning the horoscope of the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse 9Can12 (it’s a biggie falling amongst US natal planets in Cancer and spotlights an Earth Grand Cross which includes transit Pluto opposing said Cancerian planets), I feel that a heads-up is in order for those who may wish astrological information on Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and his ‘naked power grab’

Ridding Toxicity by the Scorpio Full Moon: Crystal Pomeroy

Having just been privileged to publish with the author’s permission May 17, 2011’s Scorpio Full Moon Meditation by Daykeeper Journal’s lunar expert, Crystal Pomeroy, I thought SO’W readers would appreciate a heads-up on Crystal’s insightful column.As a sign, Scorpio enjoys a mixed reputation and it’s often considered negative. But the 8th sign, ruled by Mars and co-ruled (as I say!) by

Horoscope: Solar Eclipse 11Gem02 June 1, 2011

On June 1, 2011, a partial Solar Eclipse occurs @ 11Gemini02. Below you see its horoscope set for the White House, Washington DC; Hour Saturn 10Lib33 Rx in 12th house of Karma and Politics; Saturn trines the Eclipse which falls in the 8th house (in DC) of taxation, shared resources, credit, debt, insurance, big business, other people’s money, and transformation.The helpful trine from Saturn to

IMF horoscope: May 2011’s Pluto to natal Sun

With another hearing today to set bail and possibly be released under house arrest, now-resigned IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn has been denied diplomatic immunity by the US.In my files there are two noon horoscopes for the International Monetary Fund (aka, the "Fund.") The first is set for December 27, 1945 when it was formally organized and 29 countries signed the agreement (

Nomi Prins: The Fed holds America hostage (video)

Former managing director at Goldman-Sachs, journalist, and financial whistleblower Nomi Prins speaks with Alex Jones on how The Fed is holding America hostage.Part 1 of 2:Part 2 of 2:As you know, they’re describing the Pluto/Chiron pair of plutocracy, oppression, and primal violence against those who don’t fall in line with IMF and World Bank programs. Now Pluto is wealthy and underhanded enough

A Glittery Newt Gingrich for president! (video)

Most book signings tend to seem awkward and forced to me even when book buyers show up in droves. But the signing on Tuesday (5.17.11) in Minnesota with presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich turned out to be quite a dazzling affair. Now don’t you fret overmuch for Newt and Callista: the glittering direspect did nothing to tarnish their fake smiles!