Author: jude cowell

Thomas Jefferson and the karmic Solar Eclipse July 1, 2011

If you’ve had a chance to read my column on the karmic Solar Eclipse of July 1, 2011 @ 9Can12, then I don’t have to tell you that the eclipse manifests snugly between America’s natal Sun and Jupiter – actually precisely upon our national Sun/Jupiter midpoint.The importance of the July 1st Solar Eclipse ‘hit’ to or triggering of the expansive point of Sun/Jupiter relates closely to financial and

Obama on Troop Withdrawals: Sun/Pluto = Uranus (6.22.11)

Astrology of a Presidential Speech June 22, 2011by Jude CowellAt 8:00 pm edt tonight, President Obama addresses the nation concerning the beginning of his promised withdrawal of US troops from foreign sands and occupied lands. In remembrance of Colin Powell’s unheeded admonition of 2003, "we broke it" but we can’t fix it, and now our nation is broken, too. Part of someone’s plan all along? I

Huntsman announces 6.21.11 w Sun Gemini-Moon Pisces

June 21, 2011: Summer begins and former ambassador to China and governor of Utah Jon Huntsman will announce his candidacy for the presidency of the United States at the scene of Liberty State Park, New Jersey.Click for more info including videos.Mr. Huntsman has begun speaking (10:06 am, there he is on my TV), with the Sun lingering on the 29th degree of Gemini (an eager and/or critical

Max Igan asks, Why Don’t You Change? (video)

For Juneteenth 2011 in commemoration of Emancipation Day, here is a video series from Max Igan asking, Why don’t you change? After all, you’d feel emancipated from your old ways if you would! May be passed on to all the dodgy politicians you know…Part 1 of 2Part 2 of 4 Part 3 of 4Part 4 of 4

Living On Earth features Mayan Calendar Prophecy Dec 2012

June 18, 2011: Today’s Living On Earth addresses several important topics which include:Congress blocking FDA approval for transgenic fish (if only US lawmakers would stand firm against all ‘Frankenfood’, right?), the life and legacy of creative (Neptune) scientist (Saturn) George Washington Carver, space weather and a brand new cycle of sunspot activity, climate change creating more intense

Shout-Out! The Equal Party (of-by-for The People)

Today my online time is brief (gotta motor!) but I have managed a bit of reading and was surprised to find an interesting blog concerning The Equal Party suggesting ideas for how We The People can return control of the US government to the of-by-for crowd, United States citizens. Of course, this presumes that we had any control to lose. With every US election fixed, manipulated, rigged, or plum

Michele Bachmann: Sun in Aries but is Moon in Aquarius?

So do you think Michelle Bachmann is nutty or not?Here’s her Wiki bio page with particulars, if you care to know more about this Republican representative from Minnesota who took national office in the House on January 3, 2007.Let’s take a quick peek at her natal planets to see if any weird vibes are involved before she wins the presidency of the United States (just kidding!) Yet she was born

Weiner Leaves Congress, Ulysses Meets Twitter 6.16.11

Today mad-sexter Anthony Weiner has resigned (been forced out) of Congress so this common gooder assumes his populist rants have caused our one-world-government types a bit of trouble as Democrats unite to banish one of their own from the political limelight of Capitol Hill. Dems hope Weiner’s disappearance will end the brou-ha-ha as reported on the Thom Hartmann program as I type.Seems that Mrs.

Why is the June 15 2011 Lunar Eclipse "rare"? Google live feeds it!

My previous posts concerning tonight’s Lunar Eclipse @ 24Sag23 mentioned its astrological importance sandwiched as it is between the June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 11Gem02 and the upcoming karmic Solar Eclipse on July 1, 2011 @ 9Can12 which inaugurates a brand new Saros Series. Yes, new solar/nodal cycles begin on July 1, 2011 and America’s natal Jupiter (6Cancer; ideology, funding, expansion) and