Author: jude cowell

US Solar Return 2011’s YOD: Pluto/Chiron = Mercury

It’s time for the second part of Horoscope: US Solar Return 2011 detailing the factors not yet mentioned. Click to view the chart which may be enlarged for better reading, if you wish; chart details are included in addition to those listed below.Basic details: US Solar Return July 5, 2011 12:28:09 pm edt Washington DC ASC 2Lib41; MC 3Can03 with US natal Venus; Hour Saturn; Sun 13 Can19 in 10th

Is Rick Perry the Prez Pick of the Bilderbergs?

My friend Alex D’Atria over at Political Astrology 2010 ~ 2012 is seeing Rick Perry as the presidential nomination choice of the social tinkering power elite known as the Bilderberg Group. One thing about: if he’s the one they want, he’s the one we’ll get (remember that Barack Obama slipped away from his campaign plane in June 2008 to meet with the group in Chantilly, VA, with candidate Hillary

Obama presser 6.29.11: Saturn rising

June 29, 2011 White House 11:30 am edt: President Obama holds a news conference to discuss US actions in Libya and the US economy; expected to call for bipartisanship from congressional Republicans and Tea Partisans intent on causing a Democratic president’s failure.With 16 Virgo 09 rising, US natal Neptune 22:25 is first natal planet to rise and as you know, this brings up the president’s natal

Amazing Facts about Michele Bachmann

Must the Evangelical Right Shove Bachmann into the White House?by Jude CowellApparently that’s their plan, if we let ’em. But today I have learned more amazing facts than is good for one person about ring wing candidate, Tea Party opportunist, and Christian Right promoter Michele Bachmann so I thought: why keep the craziness all to myself? Since I have a blog where I recently posted briefly

Bachmann Gacy Gaffe Goes Viral

Missing her aim at The Duke by over a hundred miles, newly minted Republican slash Tea Party candidate Michele Bachmann rushed from the starting gate only to compare her campaign ‘spirit’ to that of rapist and serial killer, John Wayne Gacy.Yes, the GOP-esque crew of Gingrich, Cain, and Bachmann already seem to be having trouble keeping their political pushcarts on track for a win! But their

Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant Breach: Neptune to US n Moon?

Waters of Neptune and Power of Pluto 6.27.11by Jude CowellCan it be that our recent transit of Neptune to US natal Moon in Aquarius (we-the-people) is still operative? With tr Neptune dipping a mystical toe in the waters of Pisces (but Rx and preparing to lumber back into Aquarius for a while), it seems that dissolving Neptune is reflecting the massive water damage to properties from the

Horoscope: US Solar Return 2011

On July 4, 2011, America celebrates her 235th birthday, our much-touted Independence Day. At 12:28:09 pm EDT on July 5th, the Sun returns to natal position in our nation’s Sibly chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) during an Hour of Saturn, with Libra and Saturn rising. Return Sun (SR) is posited in 10th house making the next 12 months a watershed year for the United States. For as

Rick Perry prez bid awash w controversy (video); his Natal Chart

Yes, Stars Over Washington has been late boarding the Rick Perry presidential campaign train 2012 so here’s a video concerning the Texas governor, along with an astro-peek at his natal horoscope. Apparently all manner of controversy haunts this wolf in sheep’s clothing like a cheap one-world-government suit! Among other considerations, a certain Mr. Rove lurks in his background. In this video:

Kucinich: US actions in Libya "surreal" 6.24.11 (video)

Here’s the video I mentioned earlier today of Rep. Dennis Kucinich speaking on the House floor this morning and calling the US misadventure in Libya "surreal," among other things.Well, you know Mr. Kucinich is correct, don’t you? And he doesn’t mind calling a situation ‘Orwellian’ that really is Orwellian.Wonder what happened to Mr. Kucinich’s plan in 2008 to investigate those mysteriously

House votes No to US military action in Libya 6.24.11

Have congress members found their backbones or are they worried about their fund-raising for the next election? Well, on C-SPAN I watched much of this morning’s ‘debate’ on the House floor over action in Libya so this news nugget is of little surprise. I hope the US drops this ill-timed, unaffordable, and immoral mission and that you too caught Dennis Kucinich’s impassioned speeches this morning