Author: jude cowell

Dear Obama, Keep SS Off the Table: Sanders and Whitehouse

Considering the Social Security Loathing of the GOPby Jude CowellWell, the Rs get to finally Starve the Beast! But we the American people are self-destructive numbskulls if we allow the corporate elite’s handmaidens in Washington DC to steal from Social Security to pay what is really credit card debt run up under three Republican presidents: Reagan, Bush, and W-Bush, as Thom Hartmann points out

USuncut v Bank of America (Chris Priest video) + Pluto/Chiron

Tax Cheats of America! You know it does my Flower Power Generation heart good to see young and youngish Americans demonstrating–and writing/performing songs for the cause–against oppressive forces now undermining the stability and future of our nation:USuncut v Bank of America.The love of money is the root of all evil. Guess we know what that makes the international banking syndicate ‘cos they

Moon-Saturn meeting Washington DC July 7, 2011

On June 10th I wrote a brief description of what I see as prime astro-factors occurring on August 2, 2011, the debt ceiling deadline when all feathers hit the financial fan if America’s credit line isn’t raised and our nation defaults. The signature of Jupiter-Neptune is upon it thus indicating that the pair’s ‘speculation-inflation-grand-schemes’ flavor is in the brew.Then on July 21, 2011,

Global Austerity and Weather Conditions July 2011

7.6.11 From the SO’W You’ll Know As Soon As I Know Department, this just in:Theodore White has published a fresh July 2011 edition of Global Astrology covering current conditions and austerity issues in the US and across the planet in relation to the Cardinal Cross of difficult, critical energies which everyone is feeling sorely.Excerpt: The transits of the outer planets relative to the Earth

Paul Krugman: the ‘Corporate Cash Con’ (Pluto/Chiron)

Economist Paul Krugman’s July 3, 2011 NYT op ed on the Corporate Cash Con being perpetrated by the global Pluto/Chiron criminal banking syndicate lays out clearly the power elite’s scheme now throttling America’s neck with Reagan’s old ‘trickle down’ economics scam.And Thom Hartmann renounced on his broadcast today (Tuesday July 5, 2011) the ‘trickle down’ theory of economics which didn’t work

Leuren Moret safe, sound and researching 7.4.11

Recently I was alerted in a Comment thread here that there may be a question regarding the whereabouts of whistle blower Leuren Moret, so I asked if anyone knew where geoscientist Leuren Moret is or if she’s okay. Now I am pleased to report that Dr. Moret has kindly contacted Stars Over Washington by leaving a Comment to assure us that she is fine and busily working.Since I have no contact info

USA: the Blessings of Saturn in Libra 7.4.11

Happy 235th birthday, America!America was founded with planet Saturn exalted in Libra, and Julie Demboski’s post for today concerns authority and perspectives, Celebrating and Reacting, with asteroid Ceres’ activity reminding us of our nurturing and security needs on this, Independence Day 2011.Using the degree-for-a-year method, 235 years converts to 235 degrees (2011 – 1776) which then tallies

Where Is Leuren Moret? 7.3.11

Geoscience watchdog Leuren Moret always reports in depth and with minute detail even if or when compared to other researchers and cyber-sleuths into governmental, official, and globalist hanky panky.This evening I find that a Comment has been left here @ SO’W asking, Where is Leuren Moret? Given her ‘independent scientist’ status and the criminal acts being perpetrated within every institution,

Ode to Independence Day 2011 w Uranus in Gemini

Ode to Independence Day 2011by Jude Cowell"Perhaps it’s time to shut down $17 billion worth of money going for reconstruction projects, when our track record really stinks," Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri) asserted on Thursday.And if I’d found a visual of the June 30, 2011 hearing already posted in the C-SPAN Video Library in case you missed appreciating Senator Claire McCaskill’s

Jon Stewart on the US Debt Ceiling Crisis (video)

The Daily Show – Broke Bank MountingGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on FacebookWednesday June 29, 2011: Thank goodness! Someone without an election campaign to finance, The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart, deals with the tiresomely political stalemate and one-upsmanship between Ds and Rs concerning the US economy and the August 2nd debt ceiling