Author: Elsa

Jeez Louise And Holy Cow!

My eye on the skyIt has been an intense couple of days! The Moon has been in Scorpio but other than that, I point to the group of planets leaving the last sign, Pisces for the first sign, Aries.
On the Scorpio front, I saw the Astro Dispatch flat-line…

Under The Scorpio Moon: Chills

Astrology in real lifeThis post is for old-timers and others who can hitchhike.
I’ve been going to the same hair salon for many years. I had a double Gemini stylist do my hair for a number of years until she finally retired to work exclusively in…

Voice Mail, Texting, Email, Phone…Circa 2011

Ask the collectiveNow that Saturn has wrapped up in Virgo I thought it might be interesting to take stock of where we are as far as communications go. For one thing, voice mail is dead.  If you want to piss someone off, leave them a voice mail. You …