Author: Elsa

Under The Scorpio Moon: The Creeping Dread

Astrology in real life.I woke up this morning with what I call the creeping dread.  Sure enough, the Moon is in Scorpio aspecting Pluto and planets in Pisces. That ought to do it, eh?
The creeping dread is familiar enough but with Mars and Neptune asp…

Uranus Ingress Into Aries: Tips From The Goat

Astrology in real lifeI was just advising a Geminian client, this is no time to get bogged down.   We’ve got a slew of planets leaving Pisces for Aries over the next weeks and where we’re all in a big soup at the moment, this is not going…

Avoiding Burnout by My 8th House

Astrology in real life.HQ and the Mechanic as me from time to time if I feels any signs of burnout and I do not.  I am on a ten-year-long streak here and I think if I was going to burnout, I’d have done so long ago.
(…)Read the rest of Avoidin…

Astrology Today: February 21, 2011 – Loneliness

My eye on the skyThe Moon in Libra conjuncts Saturn as it squares, Venus in Capricorn and this  spells L-O-N-E-L-Y for many. If you’re one of them, you can work your way out.  Here are some tips.
We’ve also got Jupiter in a tight square t…