Author: Elsa

Your Criteria When Looking For Love

I feel much of life is seen upside-down these days. It’s usual to look for a partner who makes you happy. I’m not sure this is the right tack. I say this for many reasons.  Here are a few of them: Your partner is not responsible for your ha…

Chiron – You Can’t Buy Charisma

I wanted to talk about the shadow-side of talent, so I called my friend, Ben. He’s a Scorpio artist who has worked in the arts for decades. We got talking about charisma. Ben mentioned instinctual actors like, Marlon Brando, Warren Beatty and Jam…

Equal Houses In Real Life

The best way to learn astrology is by paying attention.  House systems came up on the podcast with Shonagh. I ran down my ideas on this. Basically, I use Equal houses, because I worked with, Koch, Placidus and Equal – all three, simultaneously, f…

The Three Podcasts & The Past & Future

I was invited to be a guest on three different podcasts, in recent months. I enjoyed doing all of them. I also benefitted from each in a variety of ways that are significant. Robert Phoenix was the first to invite me to guest on his podcast.  You can s…

Monday, Monday – Can’t Trust That Day

Yes, Monday is looking hairy scary! But you have a lot to say about how your day goes, so long as maintain control of yourself, which is something adults do anyway, as a matter of course. Mars Uranus will be exact on Monday.  This is good, as you alrea…

Disrupt Your Bad Patterns With Mars Uranus! Do It!

If you’re in a long term relationship relationship, it’s a matter of time before you get in some sort of power struggle or  stand-off of some sort. Or maybe someone is pissed or has been building resentment over days, weeks, months or even …

The Upside Of Mars Conjunct Uranus

Mars will conjoin Uranus this month.  While this combination is potentially, dangerous, it’s like any other energy.  It’s neutral until directed. If you’ve not heard me state this before. Electricity (energy) is neutral. You can light…