Author: Elsa

How Can Elders Deal With The Current Times?

How to navigate this next decade, as an elder? How can the current crop of elders (we baby boomers, including me!) make the BEST USE of the times ahead in America. I think our culture is changing so rapidly, some  days I want to hide at home (Cancerian…

Mercury in Libra: The Codependent Mind

I have Mercury in Libra.  The planet is conjunct Mars in my 9th house and I love to think! I love to think fast, backwards, and upside-down. I think out, think around corners and think through things. I also like to drive and think, walk and think, I w…

2024 Astro Holiday Guide

It’s here! Satori and I both know how stressful things are for everyone. We also realize this stress will not let up in the near term. We put our heart and soul into this year’s guide. We also know inflation is an enormous problem, so we pr…

Pluto Direct In Capricorn For The Last Time In Our Era

Pluto will turn direct @ 29 degrees Capricorn on October 11, 2024.  Forty days later, the planet will leave the sign for Aquarius, not to return for around 240 years.  I want to write something honest about this, rather than something generic. While I …

Does Mars In The 8th House = Sexual Predator?

“Does Mars in the 8th House (Leo) make the native a sexual predator per se or are other factors necessary to determine this? What I mean is does a stellium in Libra ( in the 10th House ) negate this?” The answer to this question is a resoun…

Why Do I Always Struggle In Relationships?

Hi, Elsa. How do you deal with a chart that just says “ouch” in regard to relationships? I’ve always struggled with maintaining friendships and beyond that, I tend to become a target for scapegoating and gossip, especially in work sit…

How To Overcome Deep Feelings Of Unworthiness

How to overcome deep self unworthiness? – Asked by gal from Ukraine I don’t think there’s a single answer to this question, but I think I can get you started with ways you might approach this.  First, by clarifying the question.  What…