Author: Satori

Weekend Love Forecast – Libra Full Moon Eclipse

Friday evening under the Mercury-ruled Virgo Moon, Aries Sun ruler Mars leaves Aquarius for Pisces. Spring has sprung; but even though the Sun has moved on, we still have a strong stellium in Pisces: now Mars, Saturn, Venus, and Neptune. Virgo-ruler Me…

Analyzing Relationships: Synastry, The First Step

“Know thyself.” –Ancient Greek Maxim Synastry is the name given to the technique of chart comparison. You put one chart alongside another and compare how the charts interact, what interaspects the planets and angles make to each other…

Weekend Love Forecast – New Moon In Pisces

Friday afternoon, the Aquarius Moon sails off a conjunction to Venus, into the void until it hits Pisces in the evening. Even so, it doesn’t make any new, major aspects till it conjoins Saturn on Saturday. But a Moon is still a Moon, and we still…