Author: April

Astrology and Your 2011 Wedding

I’ve been choosing wedding dates for couples for more than a decade now, and each year it gets both easier and more difficult. Easier, because I know what I’m looking for and have figured out how to find it quickly. But more difficult becau…

Marketing and astrology are not mutually exclusive

I’ve packaged a cleaned-up version (I edited out most of the dirty words) of my recent lecture on using your birth chart to market yourself along with a little workbook I designed to help you wring every drop of astrological  goodness from it. Y…

Today’s Aspect-palooza: Four Seasons in One Day

Astrologically, things have been relatively quiet since the New Moon. That ends today, with a veritable bonanza of astro-activity. To wit: While you slept, the Sun squared Neptune. Jupiter and Venus both turn direct. Jupiter has been retrograde since J…

Solar astrology this week: preparing to fly

The Sun is winding down its annual tour of Scorpio’s turgid bayou country, headed for the clear, open skies of Sagittarius (arriving on November 22). But as it paddles for the surface, the Sun makes aspects this week to three planetary giants: Ju…

Mercury in Sagittarius: Infinite Jest

Mercury entered Sagittarius on Monday for a several week stay (it will enter Capricorn on the 30th).  Those born with Mercury in this sign (or in my case, in the 9th house and opposed Jupiter; same difference) will freely attest to its ebullience, phi…

Neptune turning direct: The Fog.

I spent the last couple of days mostly on the couch, mindlessly surfing the net and taking long naps, eating leftover Halloween candy, almost completely unable to marshal my resources and get anything done. I figured it was a sort of social hangover af…

Scorpio New Moon Astrology: Transformation is Hell

Transformation is Hell Humans hate change, and we rarely submit to it willingly. Rather, transformation is usually the consolation prize for having survived some godawful trek across a barren, lifeless landscape. We may refer to these journeys as &#822…

Mars transits: 3 ways to botch them

Transiting Mars moved into my first house a few days ago and I’ve been reminded  – as I am every two and a half years – of a few things. First of all, important Mars transits – such as Mars moving into the first or tenth houses…