Author: April

Beginners Corner: Cusps and interceptions

“I am totally stymied by cusps and interceptions,” confided a reader in a recent email. Let’s see if we can sort out this out for you, shall we? Cusps and Signs Part of the problem is the term cusp. Specifically, misuse of the term by…

New Moon in Pisces: Illusion of Happiness

You can listen to an audio podcast of this post here. Evidently, recent research suggests that the happiest marriages are between people who are delusional about each other. I think there may be something to this theory. Happy couples are happy, I susp…

Progressed Moon changing signs: Empty spaces

We spent the last week transforming the front bedroom of the house – which had disintegrated into a cluttered, chaotic “catch all” –  into a guest room. My handy spouse repaired the stained glass windows, which were in desperate need…

Seasonal Astrology: The Magic of Porches

For Americans who grew up during a particular era – say, after World War I and before architecture all but abandoned the front porch in favor of the three-car garage, sometime in the 1970s – a gracious front porch is a symbol of many warm memories….

Progressed Sun changing signs

Last summer, a woman I know underwent a couple of major life changes. Within the space of a few months, she embarked on a strict diet and exercise regiment, lost a significant amount of weight, and launched her first business.  As I stood washing dish…

Aquarius New Moon: Year of the Full Metal Rabbit

Hail the Aquarius New Moon (Feb. 2, 6:31 pm PST) and the Chinese Year of the Rabbit! I confess that I know next to nothing about Chinese astrology, but over the years I’ve been baffled by descriptions of the alleged gentleness and delicacy of tho…

Jupiter in Aries: Wild horses

Even if Jupiter isn’t especially strong in your birth chart, he tends to exaggerate the qualities of the sign he’s in. And when transiting Jupiter gets up to something, we notice; our spirits snap to attention like restive stallions, awaiting our maste…


In 1992 I went to my first UAC conference. For the uninitiated, the United Astrological Congress is sponored by three of the biggest astrological organizations, NCGR, ISAR, and AFAN, and is usually held every three years or so. It’s like Woodstock or…

Vengeance is mine, sayeth Venus in Scorpio

…and after nearly four long months, we bid a fond adieu to Venus in Scorpio. In the dying days of this long transit, I happened to catch a couple of extremely Venus in Scorpio-evocative things on cable. One was “Cousin Bette,” starrin…