Author: April

The Moon and Momzilla

While I have my virtues, I’m simply not the person I could have been had she been in my life awhile longer, to help me smooth off a few more of the rough bits. I suppose we’re all our mothers’ little magna opera – ambitious symphonies that they nurture, refine, and eventually must leave behind, unfinished.

New Moon in Taurus: I Do Not Want What I Haven’t Got

NEW MOON IN TAURUS | May 2, 2011, 11:51 p.m. PDT | 2:51 a.m. EDT (May 3) When I was a kid, I always had a long list of things I wanted — but I rarely had any money with which to buy them. I spent hours roaming stores, coveting record albums, fancy stationery, crazy […]

A Mercury Retrograde for the #$@! record books!

Instead of being aggravated by the whole thing, I suppose a better response would be amusement, and gratitude that the problem was uncovered (and that this is not the program I use for most of my client work). At least, that’s what Mercury would say – in between wry chuckles at my expense. But then, he has a vested interest in making his retrograde periods seem useful and productive instead of simply maddening.

Neptune in Pisces: Surrendering to a new vision

Neptune has a reputation as the planet of deception and illusion, where we peer through dense fog for the vaguest outline of our path. I think that’s true, but I think it’s only half the story. It’s also the planet that gives us faith that we can find our way, and the intuition to find our path even when our usual compass doesn’t seem to be working. Neptune ultimately leads us, I believe, toward clarity and purpose. But this gift requires that we first let go….

New Moon in Aries: Who’s Your Sensei?

I’ve always been reasonably good at getting along with people – except when it comes to anything involving creative expression or “play.” For instance, do not engage me in games of any kind; I’m a poor sport at everything from miniature golf to Yahtzee. Don’t ask me to sing with your band unless you’re prepared […]

Mercury Retrograde: Doublespeak and ticking time bombs

Last December, Mercury turned retrograde at 6 Capricorn, near Pluto.  At the time, I wrote about Mercury drawing us into the “darker woods” of ugly truths about ourselves and our world. The work of self-examination we did then holds us in good stead today, as Mercury turns retrograde again. This time, Mercury’s turning point is […]

Jupiter/Saturn Opposition: Cosmic Taffy Pull

Bumping this up for next week’s Jupiter/Saturn opposition A neighbor in my rural hometown used to put us kids to work each year pulling taffy. Sounds like a delightful, Normal Rockwell-esque activity, but it was surprisingly hard work. An opposition between titans Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (contraction) is not unlike a cosmic taffy pull, and […]

Checking in with the eclipses of war

The potential for military conflict that I explored at the December 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse is unfolding exactly as expected: Eclipses bring matters to a turning point, whether they’re matters of love, loss, financial changes – or conflict…. (T)his eclipse degree is conjunct the fixed star Betelgeuse (27 Gemini), a star associated with both war […]

Full Moon in Virgo: How Can I Help?

How Can I Help? Virgo insists on visible and measurable solutions. As a reader recently commented on my blog, “I have been feeling more political, and less inclined to believe that we can change the world for the better through ‘New Agey’ mea…

Uranus in Aries: Shock to the System

First, Egypt. Then, Christchurch, and Libya. Now, Japan. The shocks are coming fast and furious, and now that Uranus, the Great Awakener, has entered Aries (March 11, 2011 – May 2018), we can reasonably expect to see more of the same – especially as Ur…