Author: April

July 1 Solar Eclipse in Cancer: Expecting

This solar eclipse is the last in a series that have fallen in Capricorn and Cancer since July 2009, traveling alongside some difficult planetary configurations. Eclipses herald change, and many of us have found ourselves careening from crisis to crisis – insecure about access to life’s essentials, flapping our wings in perturbation, frantically looking for ways to make ourselves feel safe, and to bend the world to our will. Kicking back and letting nature take its course has not felt like an option. But as with all eclipses, this one is part of a larger story…

The July 1 “Diamond” Eclipse: Push back

Saturn’s your personal coach, kicking your ass all the way to the finish line. When he’s done with you, you’ll be huddled in a corner, weeping – or else stronger and more glittering than you ever imagined you could be.

2011 Eclipse Astrology| June 15 Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius: Quilting

The Moon’s North Node in Sagittarius or the ninth house demands that, like a confused college undergraduate, we must choose a major emphasis for our life’s curriculum. We have to acknowledge that we can’t ever have all the answers we seek, or even know all the questions; at some point, we have to turn off the stream of incoming information and trust that we can make something worthwhile from what we already know….

Jupiter in Taurus: Sacred Cows

The blessings of both Jupiter and Taurus are many: a sense that anything is possible, that security is within reach, and pleasures are abundant. But the combination of Jupiter’s respect for doctrine and Taurus’ conservatism has a potential downside: the unwillingness to confront needed change….

June 1 Solar Eclipse in Gemini: Capture the Howling Wind

We don’t tend to think of Gemini as a demanding sign, or as one of strong convictions. But the Sabian Symbol for this Gemini Moon offers a portrait of someone who refuses to be subservient. The same message can be seen in the Sun and Moon’s close trine to Saturn at this New Moon: it’s time to claim your authority and to speak up for things that matter. It’s time to take yourself seriously….

Astrology of this Summer’s Eclipses

The June 1 New Moon ushers in an unusually busy and intense eclipse season, with Solar Eclipses on June 1 and July 1 bookending a Lunar Eclipse on June 15.The astrology of eclipses emphasizes critical turning points and often-dramatic “moments of truth” connected to the houses and planets of your birth chart that are affected, as well as the chart for the time of the eclipse itself…

Virgo/Pisces Eclipses: Fault Lines

Oh yeah. Eclipses. They rattle us because they remind us where the bones are buried. They haunt our sensitive spots and tap on the trick knees of our psyches with the tiny ball peen hammer of fate until eventually – reflexively – we shoot right through the ceiling.

Full Moon in Scorpio: Hades Heart

I’m not a bad person, exactly. But let’s face it: there’s some ugliness in here. For most of my life, I was able to hide that part of my personality, even from myself. But over the years, it’s taken on weight and presence. It radiates malevolence. I know that clinging to anger and resentment hurts me worse than anyone else. So why do I hold on to them?

New Look

To celebrate 11 years of Big Sky Astrology, we’re sporting a brand new look! Huge thanks go to fabulous design diva Tzaddi Gordon of ThriveWire, for her creative inspiration, beautiful work, and patient professionalism. After 12 years as a confirmed do-it-myselfer (with an occasional assist from my awesome spouse), I was more than ready for […]