Author: April

Pluto rolling over

I’m fearful today. That’s part of the Pluto journey. I don’t intend to rush, whistling, past the graveyard, desperately seeking comfort, redemption, or even wisdom. Instead, I’ve pulled up a low, hard bench in the middle of the cemetery. I’m listening to a cool wind in the trees, rustling the leaves of panic, confusion, grief, and rage. I’m sitting shiva with Pluto.

Book review contest: Yes, it’s bribery

In case you didn’t catch it in my most recent mailing, on Facebook, or on Twitter, I’m running a promotion in a gesture of blatant bribery to encourage reviews of my new book The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology. BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE, read the details on this page! Basically, review the book on […]

New Moon in Virgo: Meaningful Habits

I invite you to experiment, during the next 28 days, with offering up whatever practical, Virgo skills you possess in the daily service of spirit and intention. With all the love and attention you can muster, bring order and attention to your abundance by balancing your checkbook. Bring serenity to your home by cleaning one room, even a single drawer. Do these things not as a kind of hairshirt to prove your spiritual worthiness, but to celebrate and honor the spirituality that inhabits the everyday, the simple, the here and now….

Cranky Mars and the Difficult August

On August 3, visiting Mars moved into Cancer, a tourist destination in which the warrior planet is inclined to feel especially cranky – a bit jet-lagged, a tad homesick, with a jangly stomach and an unnerving tendency to burst into tears. Mars is built for arid, inhospitable landscapes; when he ventures to the sandy shores of Cancer’s natural habitat, the result looks less like a quiet, reflective seaside vacation than a recreation of the Normandy invasion…

Full Moon in Aquarius: Loving the Alien

Who are your people? You recognize one another the moment you meet… you get each other. And then there are the Uncomfortable Others to whom you’re yoked by accidents of birth, blips on your biographical timeline, or shared interests. You may share an alma mater, a birthplace, a great-grandfather, or an interest in a particular hobby, but that’s no guarantee that you and another person are members of each other’s tribe….

New Moon in Leo: Something Special

At this New Moon in Leo, the Sun and Moon lie close to Venus. The truth is that alone, none of us is anything special. Even the greatest artist, inventor, or statesman relies on a symbiotic relationship with those who appreciate the art, marvel at the invention, and are inspired by the oratory. This New Moon reminds us that we can only be something special when we love, and are loved in return….

Capricorn Full Moon: The Midwife, the General, and Mr. Wolf

Capricorn’s genius is his ability to size up a situation quickly, formulate a practical, effective response, and deliver orders that others instinctively obey. Above all, Capricorn is resourceful; its symbol, the goat, will eat anything to stay alive. When failure is not an option – and for Capricorn, it never is – you will do whatever is needed, however unpleasant, to get the job done….

Errata: Essential Guide to Practical Astrology

You know, I’m fairly proud of my book The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology. On the other hand, it was written at a feverish pace and edited faster than my feeble brain could cogitate. When you’re working at that speed, mistakes get made. Errors of oversight are committed, bizarre leaps of logic, dubious grammar. I’ve started this post to record such boners for posterity….