Author: April

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Gemini: Beyond Words

This Full Moon in Gemini is a lunar eclipse, when the Moon slips into the earth’s shadow and is hidden from view. It reminds us that even in the age of constant information, constant contact, there are moments when the comforting Gemini gifts we take for granted can be taken away, when the world’s comforting voices diminish into unsettling silence….

Eclipses in Action

Sometimes, change is a release; we let go of the bad lover, the fear of a good man, the dream of the perfect home, the unease over letting a pilot take control of our well-being. Sometimes it’s just the quiet acceptance, at last and if only for a moment, of normalcy – sinking comfortably into quiet rhythms, with a fond, final glance at the battlefield behind you.

Eclipse Guest Post at MoonCircles

I contributed a guest post on the November 24/25  Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius over at MoonCircles: Eclipses signal moments of transition, and often disorientation, when things are revealed to be other than what they had seemed. This week’s Solar Eclipse falls in Sagittarius, the sign of higher education, sports, and beliefs.  In the past two […]

New Moon in Scorpio: The Banquet

The Scorpio season teaches us that life, like a temperamental lover, sometimes likes to test our commitment by showing us its ugly side. It’s easy to love life when it is kind to us, when it makes sense and makes us feel good. But can we love it when it is harsh and disappointing and determined to break our hearts? Scorpio answers, “Yes.”

Third House Things: Moving On

What I miss is the way he moved the air around, and no one’s found a way to hold onto that once the spirit’s own automobile has moved on to that great demolition yard in the sky. But I do owe a great deal to him for any wit I possess, because I honed it against his blade. And I do, of course, still have my trusty old car – the one I bought on his 31st birthday – and in a funny way it makes me think of him, getting in that car and driving, moving the air around….

Full Moon in Aries: Brave Hearts

We’re all afraid of something, and most of us are afraid of many things. Fear can be a true friend, warning us of danger or potential injury. But just like other friends, such as food or sex, fear can become the enemy if it comes to dominate rather than defend us.

New Moon in Libra: Breaking Bad

This Libra New Moon is a cue ball breaking against racked-up heavy-hitters Uranus and Pluto, with Mars in Leo adding a little chalk to help the cue stick gain traction. Rebellion is the order of the day, whether it’s protesters railing against Wall Street or Walter White breaking out of his suburban comfort zone. With Pluto involved, the stakes are high….