Author: April

New Moon in Aries: Grapes of Wrath

Anger is the nuclear weapon of the relationship arsenal – its only power lies in its ability to intimidate or frighten others. Anger stamps a vintage from the grapes of normal, healthy, Aries wrath, bottles it up and places it in a dark cellar for months. What results might be a great wine – but will more likely turn to vinegar, corrosive and sour.

Astrology Q&A: Whither Pluto?

“I am learning astrology and wonder [in light of Pluto’s reclassification to dwarf planet] – what would one do without Pluto?” I don’t know what one would do without Pluto, but I’d love to find out – maybe I can get a Pluto-ectomy! Oh, wait… I guess we all did….

Conjuring love

I think what manifests results in our lives is pretty simple – readiness, intention (showing a willingness to engage in the process of getting what you want), and attention (so that you recognize it when it shows up). The beauty of ritual is that it helps us clarify what we want.

Full Moon in Leo: Make Your Own Kind of Music

This Leo Full Moon is an opportunity to step back for a moment and get reacquainted with your passions – to make your own kind of music, as the old song says – and to trust that they will unite you and the people with whom you truly belong….

New Moon in Aquarius, Mars retrograde: Clearing the Air

At each New Moon in Aquarius, in the dark and cold of midwinter, our fraternity of friends and associates normally provides a source of joy and sustenance. But Mars, the planet of competition, war, and aggression, has been slowing down in recent weeks, getting ready to station and turn retrograde. So during this Aquarius season, in order to keep our Aquarian connections vibrant and satisfying, we’ll have to pay alms to Mars as well….

The Rising Planet: Your “First Responder”

The planet closest to your Ascendant, usually in the first, second, or third houses, is called the rising planet. I also call it the “first responder” planet, because it’s the planet that is first on deck to handle anything new that comes your way. What’s your first responder planet, and how does it operate in your life?

Full Moon in Cancer: Can Hard Times Make Us Whole?

In the heart of a cold and brittle winter, Saturn’s wolves are howling in the distance. They howl warnings about the collapsing economy, the deteriorating climate, and the fearsome calamities that threaten us – joblessness, poverty, homelessness, starving, illness. Hard times can, in turn, harden us – but caring for each other – though it breaks our hearts – is what keeps us from turning to stone….