Author: April

Full Moon in Capricorn: The Gifts of Our Fathers

When the Sun is moving through tender Cancer, we grow nostalgic for childhood summers, ice cream trucks, and the safety of our mother’s protective embrace.At some point, Cancer’s baby must leave the tidepool and learn to fend for herself. Teaching us how to take care of ourselves was dad’s job, and the Capricorn Full Moon reveals how well those lessons were learned.

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New Moon in Gemini: You Name It

You’re not your failures. You’re not your successes. You’re not the name your family gave you, or the cruel nicknames you were given on the schoolyard. At this liminal, magical New Moon, remember everything else that you are. Imagine yourself differently, and give that imagining a bright and joyful name all its own. It’s never too late to be someone new….

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UAC 2012 (Part Two): The Conference

I went to a few sessions, but not as many as I have at past conferences. I find I don’t have a lot of patience anymore for sitting still and listening to much of anything for an hour and ten minutes; or perhaps it was all those transiting planets in Gemini. In any event, here were a few of the sessions I sat in on, along with some of my fairly shallow notes, tweets, and observations.

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New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini: Brothers and Sisters

Few people in our lives get the opportunity to influence us when we are so malleable as in childhood, when brothers and sisters leave their handprints on us as they might in wet cement. But the truth is that while the emotional connection may be less compelling, we share similar bonds with people who share our neighborhoods, our communities, our alma mater, our mother tongue, the country of our birth….

The post New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini: Brothers and Sisters appeared first on April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology.

Previewing the May 20 Solar Eclipse: A glass-bottomed boat

Expecting affairs of the human heart to follow the rules of logic and reason is a recipe for dissatisfaction. Don’t ignore underlying problems in your relationships, but seek solutions not with your brain, but rather with your heart. Sit knee to knee with the one you love, and peer into your relationship’s wondrous fathoms through your own “glass-bottomed boat.”

New Moon in Taurus: The Weight of the World

I pause each day to dutifully perform my determined little exercise routines – to remind myself to take part in the physical world, the present moment, and to inhabit my whole life – including my physical body, down to the feet that keep me rooted here. To remember to appreciate the opportunity to inhabit the physical world and learn from it. Even if only to breathe in the fragrant spring air and smile into the sun. Even if only to say, “Now!”

Full Moon in Libra: Passion and Prudence

Libra’s job is to consider all possibilities before acting; but while Libra may have more perspective than Aries, this does not necessarily translate into great clarity about which course should be pursued. In fact, Libra can find herself overwhelmed by these possibilities, weighing first one, then the other, then the first one again… until Aries is jumping up and down in frustration: ‘Just! Choose! One!’

Pluto: Go Deeper

“Transcendence” is a word astrologers commonly use to talk about Pluto’s transits and its aspects to other planets in the birth chart. But before we can hope to transcend a situation, we must first commit to being full engaged in it. When Pluto is involved, this commitment carries some risk….