Author: April

Full Moon in Aries: The Sweet Spot

If you are in a relationship with someone who doesn’t know who you really are, are you actually in a relationship? Sometimes it feels safer and easier to hide your true self from others, because if you are rejected for who you really are, it hurts a lot worse. On the other hand, you might be rejected for your faux self anyway, left not only without a relationship — but also without a self.

The post Full Moon in Aries: The Sweet Spot appeared first on April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology.

Autumnal Equinox: Temperance

It’s tempting to think if you won the lottery tomorrow and never had to work again, you’d do nothing but dance and jump for joy—and for awhile, you probably would. But eventually the ghost of summer vacations past would return to haunt you, and you’d no doubt grow tired of endless revelry, like a child who has grown jaded from a diet of candy bars and suddenly craves vegetables….

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New Moon in Virgo: Solitude and the Contented Heart

In Virgo‘s house we are never entirely at ease, never completely satisfied. Even alone, contentedly pursuing our Virgo objectives in a hermetic cocoon, we can’t be happy forever; humans are social creatures, and every now and then we have to rub shoulders with our fellow man.

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Mars in Scorpio: Sexy Time, Revenge, and Cleaning up the ick

Geez, Mars is already about to move into Scorpio? It seems like it’s only been in Libra for about twenty minutes. I guess that’s just in comparison to the approximate geologic age that it spent in Virgo. Here’s a capsule review of what to expect while Mars transits Scorpio …

The post Mars in Scorpio: Sexy Time, Revenge, and Cleaning up the ick appeared first on April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology.

Mars in Scorpio: Sexy Time, Revenge, and Cleaning up the ick

Geez, Mars is already about to move into Scorpio? It seems like it’s only been in Libra for about twenty minutes. I guess that’s just in comparison to the approximate geologic age that it spent in Virgo. Here’s a capsule review of what to expect while Mars transits Scorpio …

The post Mars in Scorpio: Sexy Time, Revenge, and Cleaning up the ick appeared first on April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology.

New Moon in Leo: Walking the Circle

We begin as a tiny, nearly invisible speck, surround ourselves with empty, insulating space, and then build a solid circle around it all, a boundary to safely contain our fearful smallness. There is goodness in us too, and it is not so fearful or small. But if we draw our boundaries too tightly, we become a closed system, and the goodness has a hard time getting out.

The post New Moon in Leo: Walking the Circle appeared first on April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology.

Full Moon in Aquarius: Looking for Lightning

Aquarius is an astrological change agent that works quite a lot like lightning; a fixed sign, it remains static for long stretches of time, as dependable and unchanging as a placid summer sky. But even while it’s standing still, Aquarius gathers energy like a cell phone plugged into its charger. When it accumulates too much, it needs to get rid of some – and it’s anyone’s guess where it will land.

The post Full Moon in Aquarius: Looking for Lightning appeared first on April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology.

New Moon in Cancer: True North

While the most potent astrological symbol of womanhood— the Moon, ruler of Cancer —is synonymous with caretaking, heritage, and nurturing, caring for others and defending family bonds are not necessarily the sole dominion of women. In my family, however, it has always been so. For a clan full of fishermen, sailors, sad cases, and various lost souls, women like my mother and aunt were our true north, guiding us gently away from the rocks…

The post New Moon in Cancer: True North appeared first on April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology.