Author: April

Full Moon in Cancer: Mother in the Moon

I realize that what I was looking for all along in carving out my own version of Christmas was not just Capricornian respect, but a Cancerian appreciation for the needs of my own heart. And that all my mother wanted was to give me what suited me best – I just needed to learn what that was, so I could ask for it.

The post Full Moon in Cancer: Mother in the Moon appeared first on April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology.

New Moon in Sagittarius: A Hatful of Stars

Sagittarius is better equipped than most to handle December’s cold, dark solitude. He is exhilarated and dizzied by the long, dark nights; their stars are proxies for the faraway lands he may never see, silent and twinkling assurances that no matter how much of the world he explores, there will always be new lands waiting to be discovered….

The post New Moon in Sagittarius: A Hatful of Stars appeared first on April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology.

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: Breaking Open, Breaking Down

Eclipses in Scorpio can tap into fathomless wellsprings of emotion, much of it old and painful. Where do you have a backlog of emotional energy that needs to be discharged? Where have you taken a particular course of action as far as it can reasonably go? Where is life ready to break you down and build you back up, stronger this time?

The post New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: Breaking Open, Breaking Down appeared first on April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology.

Previewing the November 13 Solar Eclipse

The cost of these storms will total in the billions, and the death tolls continue to rise. But what has been revealed through these storms is very much in keeping with this eclipse cycle: the importance of a global dialogue about sharing, helping, and transcending personal differences, and the need to acknowledge that the planet we share is in crisis.

The post Previewing the November 13 Solar Eclipse appeared first on April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology.

New Moon in Libra: Comparisons are Odious.

As an astrologer I’ve had to learn to get inside another’s skin and see the world through their eyes. But developing a heightened awareness of others can be a difficult skill to switch off at the end of the day. When you spend too much time looking through another’s eyes, it can be all too easy to lose track of your own truth.

The post New Moon in Libra: Comparisons are Odious. appeared first on April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology.