Author: April

Full Moon in Pisces: Dancing with the Leaves

Which is more important: results, or process? At this Full Moon, the Sun in Virgo argues for efficiency and results. But across the zodiacal wheel, the fully illuminated Moon in the opposite sign, Pisces, makes the case for enjoying the process of life. For dancing with the leaves and having an absolutely wonderful time….

The post Full Moon in Pisces: Dancing with the Leaves appeared first on April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology.

Full Moon in Aquarius: Acknowledgements

Aquarius is the sign of “the future.” Personally, you’ll experience only a tiny bit of it. Perhaps you’d like to create a legacy that lives on after you, through art, or children, or leadership. But no one creates a legacy alone. You need the ancestors who came before you, into whose broken soil you nestle new seeds; present-day allies to help you tend the plants and get them to market; and future hands to plant the same fields….

The post Full Moon in Aquarius: Acknowledgements appeared first on April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology.

New Moon in Leo: Loving Your Brand

Ruled by the Sun, Leo has an innate knack for presenting him or herself as a mythic figure with a compelling story. What you can learn from Leo is that everybody has a unique story that’s worth telling. The Sun is your epicenter, no matter what sign it’s in or what house. Before you can find an audience, you have to learn to celebrate your self and your story….

The post New Moon in Leo: Loving Your Brand appeared first on April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology.

Solar Eclipses, Lunar Intuition

At a Solar Eclipse, the earthy part of you may feel a little cold, compacted. Take a time-out; sit at the knee of the wise Moon and let her reflect the Sun in you. Is there a wildish ego that’s running around unchecked? What is the part of you that you’re trying to disown? Let the Moon guide you, like a wise mother, toward self-acceptance and humility.

The post Solar Eclipses, Lunar Intuition appeared first on April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology.