Mercury’s Rx transit of Gemini is drawing to a close. It stations direct (at 4 degrees Gemini) on June 11th. The last aspect it makes while Rx is a sextile to Venus (at 4 degrees Leo) on June 10th, which … Continue reading →
Tag: neptune rx
Today’s Grand Water Trine
Despite the Mars/Pluto harshness today, there’s another influence that can soften things up for you. The Moon in Cancer is trining Mercury (at 2 degrees Scorpio) and Neptune Rx (at 4 degrees Pisces), creating a Grand Water Trine that is … C…
Retrogrades (Not Including Mercury) For 2015
All times and dates are in EST/EDT time. Mercury Rx 2015 is here. Mars does not station Rx until April 17th, 2016. Venus July 25th, 2015: Venus stations Rx at 0 degrees Virgo, 5:28 AM August 9th, 2015: Venus Rx … Continue reading →
The post…
Get Out of Your Own Way
The next few days are about opportunistic flow. Venus (love, money, self-esteem) in Scorpio trines Neptune Rx (at 4 degrees Pisces) from October 26th to 27th, and the Sun in Scorpio trines Neptune from October 27th to 28th. A smooth … Continue re…
Strategize For The Next Few Days
The next few days will offer up some bumps, but nothing you can’t handle. October 2nd to 3rd features a misleading inconjunct between Venus in Libra and Neptune Rx at 5 degrees Pisces. This is relationship misdirection. Roma…
Full Moon in Pisces: Wash Away The Inadequacy
September 8th’s Full Moon (at 16 degrees Pisces) will be ultra sensitive. It will conjunct Chiron Rx (Wounded Healer) at 15 degrees Pisces, triggering all sorts of touchy scenarios around aggravating a wound by trying to fix it, and feeling ̷…
The Sun in Virgo Opposes Neptune in Pisces
The Sun in Virgo opposes Neptune Rx (at 6 degrees Pisces) from August 27th to 29th. This is the tension between logic (Virgo) and fantasy (Neptune). Perfection versus transcendence. Both Virgo and Pisces seek to elevate themselves through refinement. V…
Shimmer in the Water: Jupiter in Leo Inconjunct Neptune
There’s a point that lies somewhere between gain and sacrifice, faith and disappointment. You may be feeling it now, and it’s due to the inconjunct between Jupiter at 6 degrees Leo and Neptune Rx in Pisces (exact on August … Co…
Dilute: Mars in Scorpio Trines Neptune in Pisces
Tension peaks today and tomorrow with Mars in Scorpio square Jupiter/Mercury in Leo, but there’s potential for a soft(ish) landing. Mars is building to a trine with Neptune Rx (at 6 degrees Pisces), exact on August 7th. You’ll start to R…
Dream From the Ground: Sun Conjunct Jupiter in Leo
Dream big, but do it from the ground. That’s the message for the next, few days. The Sun enters Leo today, and will conjunct Jupiter (at 1 degree Leo) from July 22nd to July 24th. That’s a massive hit of … Continue reading →