January Tarotscopes, Tarot Horoscope for Zodiac Sun Signs

Starcana Tarotscopes, Tarot Horoscope for Zodiac Sun SignsStarcana Tarotscopes is a monthly tarot horoscope, where a card has been chosen for your individual zodiac sun sign, with a general interpretation. If you know your natal birth chart, you can also enjoy my ‘three card’ tarot spread to enhance your insight:

  1. 1) First Card: Use your Ascendant/Rising sign, for what you know.
  2. 2) Second Card: Use your Moon sign, for what challenges you.
  3. 3) Third Card: Use your Sun sign, for what you are creating.

To gain more assistance to what you have received through the cards or in life, I’m available for professional consultations that are personalized for your individual situation. Or continue to gain free insight with my blog Cosmic Dirt… Subscribe here for free!


Happy birthday AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Tarot card insight: Five of Swords: The truth shall set you free. Survivor. Unfair means. New information comes around. Creativity outwits challenges. No pain, No gain. Winning, but at what cost. Direction is found. Who’s cheating who? Double edge. Degradation. Seeing your reflection. All is a blessing. Interest in selfish gain. You are, who you hang with. Dishonorable decisions. Lowering the sword. Weakness with temptation challenge your willpower. Trickery. Loss of footing. Display of character. Insensitivity. New path created. Cheating. Test of ethics. Cross words. Judgment. Taking time out to think.


PISCES (February 19-March 20) Tarot card insight: Seven of Swords: Karma. Choosing your direction. Wrestling with a balancing act. Romancing cruel intentions. Actions that contain doubt. An alternative plan is in the works. Change is unavoidable. Being a bit sneaky about your approach. Analyzation. Who’s cheating who? A desperate option. Getting ahead the best way we know how. Hurtful results because of lack of planning. Assuming strength and power at any cost. Stress. Success may cost more than you bargained for. Plans sway. Morals are weighed. Confusion. Should I, or shouldn’t I? Your actions will determine who you are. But is it kind?


ARIES (March 21-April 19) Tarot card insight: Ace of Wands: A new beginning. Ready to climb hills for your goals. Passion for life again. Fresh start in a new direction. Creation. An energy burst. A new project. Developing an invention. Fortune. Starting an enterprise. You gain much now. Trying a new road in life. Inheritance. Going after what you are looking for. Fighting for what you believe in. Becoming a traveler. Self-discovery. Work becomes important. Having a new motto in life. Starting a new life. Taking action. “I’ve got to be me”. Genuine in your pursuits. Taking your own path.


TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Tarot card insight: Page of Wands: A journey awaits. Overwhelmed with energy. A need to act. Jittery. Can’t sit still. Find creative sources to move forward. Sudden life change. Advancing into the unknown. Faithful. Discover a new direction. Relocating. A new friend. Travel companion. Energy sparks a brilliant idea. A trip. Successful endeavor. Insight illuminated. Favorable shift. Loyalty. Much needed vacation. Fun. Enthusiasm. Climbing the ladder. An admirer. Dealing with emotions. Facing fears. Courageous risk. Taking the first step. Burning memories. Delivering on good intentions. Child-like vitality. Naive eagerness. Daring. Fresh optimism. A lucky break. Create a new passion.


GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Tarot card insight: Four of Wands: Arriving at the right place. Celebration. Good structure. Fruits of labor. The good life. Romance. Rest. Rewards. Loyalty. Home is where the heart is. Success. Defending and protecting. Happy workplace. Good intentions. Harmony. Promotion. A fire still burns. Powerful love. Happy home. Liking who you are becoming. Contained within your own positive world. Passion is contained. Settling an old score. Pride and honor. A wedding. Secluded yet happy. Strong barriers. Display of commitment. New home. Invitation. Walls of love. New resting stop. Good neighbor. Blessings. Great heart. Self-reliance. Trying was worth the extra step.


CANCER (June 20-July 23) Tarot card insight: King of Swords: Great analyzation. Authoritative thinking. Direction is controlled. You are, what you think. Massive weight in knowledge. Brilliancy. An excellent advisor. The power of the mind. Communications flow. Problem Solving. Negotiation. Positive thoughts. Just. Powerful speech. Standing for something important. Mental process. Strong will. Professional advice. Choose words wisely. Powerful advice. Clear perception. Intellectual behavior. Courageous decision.


LEO (July 23-August 22) Tarot card insight:  Six of Pentacles: Material gain. Gratification. Financial gift. Helping others. Fair share. Just. Karma received. Joy of giving and receiving. Sharing. Reap what has been sown. Monetary blessing. Generosity. Goodness. Healing within. Strengthening bonds. Reality. Donate. Giving of self. Handshake. Favor returned. Appreciation exchanged. Professional. Lesson of integrity. Morals. Fair fortune. Promise delivered. Gratitude. Respect time. Kindness. Establishing character. Stability. Scratching each other’s back. Material gain. Pay it forward. Results of effort.


VIRGO (August 22-September 23) Tarot card insight: Knight of Swords: Cleverness. Negotiations. A calm approach. Heroic action. Creative problem-solving. Sharp. Crystal clear. New insight. Fearless approach. Solutions. Hypothetical concepts. Analyzation. Strategic proposal. A new game plan. Shrewdness. Charmed grace. The power of words. Quick mind. Less is more. Friendliness. New information. Assumptions. Seeking advice. Say what you mean. Righteous anger. Honoring your belief. Gallantry. Seeking triumph over opposition. Wit.


LIBRA (September 23-October 22)  Tarot card insight: Ace of Pentacles: A blessing is received. Spiritual work. New work. Bliss. The real thing. What is touched, turns to gold. Finances improve. Confidence returns. An investment makes a good return. Building character. A wonderful gift arrives. Prosperity. Finding true value. Change in your pocket comes in handy. Something or someone returns. Perfection. Material goodness. It’s in our favor. Good planning pays off. Proof is in the hand.


SCORPIO (October 23-November 21)  Tarot card insight: Queen of Pentacles: Prosperity. Blessings. Common sense. Having a good head on your shoulders. Healthy. Common sense. Trust and self-respect. Supportive. Willing to gently bend. Well-being. Centered. In tune with nature. Luxury. Surrounded with nice things. Magnificence. Opportunity for growth. Building earnings. Ability to give and take. Generosity. Extreme comfort. Business smarts. Loving. Security. Reaching a good place. Mother nature. Work improves. Spiritual enrichment. Wisdom. Good decisions. Respect for life and others. Noble, honorable soul. Calm awareness. Corrections with love.


SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) Tarot card insight: Five of Wands: Hard work. Going in circles. Unsatisfied. Inner struggles. Labor. Aggression. Defenses are up. Polish that shine. Competition. Trying to find a way in, or possibly a way out. Fighting. Resisting change. Conflict. Lack of agreement. Life comes to a halt. Can’t always get what you want. Unaware of goal. Self-limiting. Be creative. Busta move. Find a way. New adventure. What are you fighting for. Utilize energy correctly. Temper. Working up a sweat. Obstacles are no problem. Paving a new road. Ego on fire. Changing direction.


CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)  Tarot card insight: Two of Wands:  Two of Wands: Putting it all together. Action on thoughts. A mature individual. Going after desires. Out to win. Eye on the reward. Creativity comes alive. Making it come alive. Courageous actions. Performing magic. Making dreams come true. Taking the dare. Confident in potential. Creating potential. Boldness. Aggressive steps. Reaching for stars. Self-sufficient and self-reliant. Making it work. Showing off new mojo. Helping it all come together. A great trust. Taking on new challenge.


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Suzi Dronzek is an intuitive consultant, who offers personalized tarot insight and spiritual astrology guidance for life, love, work, and relationships through personalized phone/email readings, and astrology reports. For more info, call (724) 832-9283 or visit www.starcana.com. ©1995-2014 Starcana, Inc. All rights reserved. Entertainment only 18+

Tarot artwork from ©1991 Robin Wood Used with Permission.

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